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Divorce Source Radio is the nation's most listened to source for information related to divorce and life after divorce. Visit www.DivorceSourceRadio.com for more information.


Southfield, MI


Divorce Source Radio is the nation's most listened to source for information related to divorce and life after divorce. Visit www.DivorceSourceRadio.com for more information.



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How to Heal from Codependency (SLDD)

Today’s episode is dedicated to your healing journey. Those of us who marry HCPs have our part in the dysfunction as we discussed in episode 2 - Divorcing A Narcissist: The Personality Disorders and Dysfunctional Dance of High Conflict Marriages. We are excited to have Ross Rosenberg with us again today to share deeply effective strategies for healing from codependency, a self love deficiency disorder. Ross speaks passionately about how vital it is to heal trauma from childhood to gain...


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Divorcing a Narcissist - How To Protect Your Children

You kids have been experiencing conflict throughout the marriage, even if you think you have ‘hidden’ it from them. Now that a decision has been made to divorce, tensions will only rise. It is all the more important to focus on protecting your children now while navigating a high conflict divorce. Deciding when, how and what to tell the kids about the divorce is just the beginning. Figuring out how to parent in the ‘in between’ while still living together is another sensitive topic that...


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Divorcing a Narcissist - How To Protect Your Children

You kids have been experiencing conflict throughout the marriage, even if you think you have ‘hidden’ it from them. Now that a decision has been made to divorce, tensions will only rise. It is all the more important to focus on protecting your children now while navigating a high conflict divorce. Deciding when, how and what to tell the kids about the divorce is just the beginning. Figuring out how to parent in the ‘in between’ while still living together is another sensitive topic that...


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Celebrate The Personal Work

It takes only a moment in time to realize that things in our life require attention and movement in a different direction. Join Steve and Toni this week live from Detroit as they discuss life, love and pursuit of happiness. In this weeks episode: Follow us on www. facebook.com/ beingsingleradio instagram@beingsingleradio To contact us please Email: Beingsingleradiosteve@gmail.com Beingsingleradiostoni@gmail.com


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Fearful to Fabulous

Join Steve and Toni in this week’s episode of Being Single Live from the “D” as they discover what it takes to develop confidence and work your way from Fearful to Fabulous with Author, Confidence Coach and Divorce Recovery expert Fiona Eckersley. On this episode of Being Single: Follow our Guest: Website: http://www.FindfabulouswithFiona.com YouTube: Fiona Eckersley Contact: CallfabFiona.as.me Follow Being Single on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com/BeingSingleRadio Instagram:...


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Send Love-Not Judgment

Join Steve and Toni as they continue the journey of understanding and connection with Personal Development Coach and Author, Jonathon Aslay. On this episode of Being Single: Follow our Guest: Website: http://www.jonathonaslay.com Twitter: @JonathonAslay Follow us on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com/BeingSingleRadio Instagram: @BeingSingleRadio Contact Us: Bookings:Beingsingleradiotoni@gmail.com


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Dear Self, Time To Change...

Dear Self, Time to change… Live from Detroit! Toni travels back to the “D” for the first time since New Year’s Day. With cold weather and ice storms , Steve and Toni make it a Netflix binge weekend and record the latest show. Topics include: Follow our awesome Facebook page at: www.Facebook.com/BeingSingleRadio or on Instagram @BeingSingleRadio for articles, quotes and show info. Contact us at: DivorceSourceRadio@gmail.com


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Happy New Year 2020!

Toni and Steve are back with the 1st episode of 2020. Steve and Toni recently decided to start dating after years of knowing each other through hosting this show together. This episode highlights Steve spending Christmas in Chicago and meeting Toni's family, and then traveling back to Detroit for New Years with Toni meeting Steve's family. Meeting the family of someone you just began dating can be quite interesting, to say the least. Thanks for listening and being part of our Being Single...


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Co-Parenting Post Divorce With Rosalind Sedacca

Your Divorce Settlement has been negotiated and agreed upon. Now it is time to step off the divorce battlefield take off your ‘coat of armor’ and begin the task of coparenting post divorce. The good news is that much of the ongoing stress and tension around the negotiations quickly melts away which provides you with the opportunity to be fully present in attending to your children’s needs. But old habits die hard...so today we are going to highlight some of the most important Coparenting...


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A New Style for Men and How to Attract Women

As we continue our post divorce series, today is all about you guys! As you enter your new life chapter, we will guide you on how to refresh and reinvent yourself through style and image. Today’s guest will share tips on how to become your most authentic, magnetic and powerful self. Grab a pen and begin to explore how to hone in on the deeper blocks keeping you from attracting your dream woman! For more info, visit: Journey Beyond Divorce.


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How to Dress and Step Out in Style for Women

Your new life chapter provides an opportunity to reinvent yourself from the inside out. You have stepped off the ‘battlefield of divorce’ and now is your time! A time to refresh, renew and decide how you want to present yourself to the world. It helps to understand what looks best on your body type and how to go through your closet to get rid of those items that don’t make you feel good about yourself. We look at the new you and how to dress to feel confident, empowered and sexy. Today’s...


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Getting Your Financial LIfe in Order

Once your divorce is final, you are so relieved for it to finally be over, that it is easy to miss the crucial steps that can only be taken after your divorce is final. This vital step allows you to secure and protect what you received in the settlement and sets you up for financial stability post divorce. In today’s show Aviva Pinto helps review everything from closing accounts shared with your ex to retitling your policies, investments and accounts to changing your beneficiaries, drafting...


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Strip Away the Old - Organize and Reclaim Your Space

The business of sorting through years of stuff when divorcing can be overwhelming. The bigger your home, the more space you have to stuff stuff! Now it’s time to purge...but you get stuck in every box, free falling down memory lane and getting little accomplished. Today’s guest, professional organizer, Sarah Grace has a new and invigorating way of looking at your stuff. She helps you to tap into the emotions embodied in your belongings and guides you to let go of that which does not serve...


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Handling Real Estate During Divorce

The conversation and decision around what to do with the marital home can be an emotional minefield. For many, your home is your largest financial investment and the foundation of stability in our lives, it is a hot trigger for most divorcing couples Today’s guest, Divorce Real Estate Specialist, Kathy Broddock takes us through her process for assisting you in determining what RE professional to work with which is a vital first step. Kathy helps you determine if you can stay or must sell,...


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Casting Divorced Homeowners in LA Area

Join Steve in a special conversation with Los Angeles based Casting Producer, Lindsay Spaulding, as they discuss an exciting casting opportunity for Season 2 of HGTV's Unspouse My House. This Home Renovation show, hosted by Orlando Soria, is searching for Los Angeles Homeowners who are looking to refresh their living space post-breakup. Lindsay and the casting team are seeking newly single/divorced (within 10 years) Los Angeles homeowners who are ready to renovate the home they once shared...


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Children and Divorce: Negotiating Custody to Create a Win Win

Today’s show acknowledges the tender emotions you experience while negotiating custody. We encourage you to notice the nightmare stories that create fear and tension, derailing your negotiations. Our guest, Josh Hecht, shares strategies to cut through the acrimony, negotiate for both the current and the long term needs of your children, and insure that you consider the nitty gritty details to guarantee a rock solid agreement. This is one of the most stressful aspects of your divorce...


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International Divorce: What to know and how to proceed

If you are in a bicultural marriage and are facing divorce this show is for you! As if divorce is not overwhelming enough, those facing ‘international divorce’ complexities encounter an entirely unique and complex set of challenges which are even further intensified if there are children involved. Join us as we speak to matrimonial attorneys Nicole Centracchio and Brian Reed who specialize in international divorce. They share valuable tips on how and when to make the decision to file for...


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Single Sex Talk with Dr. Edward Lichten

The 10th episode of Being Single is over 2-hours of all things sex with a few other topics thrown in for good measure. Join Steve & Toni for their weekly coffee talk with special guest Dr. Edward Lichten. Dr. Lichten is a gynecologist and anti-aging medicine specialist and no leaf is left unturned in this conversation. From Menopause and vaginal dryness to condoms, orgasms, what women really want and girl's boy toys, this show has it all. And as with all Being Single shows, the...


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Children & Divorce: A Co-Parenting App & Online Resource

The wide array of logistical details and emotional tensions surrounding co parenting post divorce can be a minefield for unnecessary conflict. It’s hard enough to parent while living under the same roof due to all the details of our children’s busy lives. When parenting under separate roofs, managing all the details of your shared parenting schedule, tracking extracurricular activities along with who's picking up and dropping off, plus tracking expenses, who’s paid and who owes and needing...


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Children and Divorce: When Special Needs kids Are Involved

Raising special needs children has a unique set of gifts and challenges. When negotiating divorce, it is essential that you can advocate for the support they will continue to need. Guest, Randi Karmel specializes in this area and discusses the pitfalls inherent and possibilities available through the negotiation process. Randi shares negotiation danger signs to be aware of as well as resources, organizations and advocates ready to assist you, financial support available for schooling and...
