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Dr Ron Unfiltered Uncensored

Health & Wellness Podcasts

”Dr. Ron Unfiltered Uncensored” is an engaging and informative podcast hosted by Dr. Ronald M. Repice, a respected physician with decades of experience in the medical field. In each episode, Dr. Ron provides his unfiltered and uncensored perspective on a variety of health and wellness topics, drawing on his extensive knowledge and expertise to provide valuable insights and advice. Whether you’re interested in the latest medical research, practical health tips, or thought-provoking discussions on the state of modern medicine, ”Dr. Ron Unfiltered Uncensored” is a must-listen for anyone looking to stay informed and engaged in the world of healthcare. The podcast is available on Podbean for easy access and convenient listening. It can also be heard on Spotify, Apple, Google, Alexa, and more. This podcast can give you insightful knowledge regarding alternative and holistic medicine.


United States


”Dr. Ron Unfiltered Uncensored” is an engaging and informative podcast hosted by Dr. Ronald M. Repice, a respected physician with decades of experience in the medical field. In each episode, Dr. Ron provides his unfiltered and uncensored perspective on a variety of health and wellness topics, drawing on his extensive knowledge and expertise to provide valuable insights and advice. Whether you’re interested in the latest medical research, practical health tips, or thought-provoking discussions on the state of modern medicine, ”Dr. Ron Unfiltered Uncensored” is a must-listen for anyone looking to stay informed and engaged in the world of healthcare. The podcast is available on Podbean for easy access and convenient listening. It can also be heard on Spotify, Apple, Google, Alexa, and more. This podcast can give you insightful knowledge regarding alternative and holistic medicine.







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Ep 570 Cracking the Code: Thyroid Function, Energy Levels, and Mitochondria

Welcome to "The Thyroid Puzzle: Unraveling Energy Drain and Mitochondrial Misfires." I'm your host, Dr Ron and with our special guest Dr Gerald Smith], today we're diving into the complex and often misunderstood world of thyroid health. If you've been feeling unusually fatigued, struggling with low energy, or wondering why standard thyroid tests don't seem to capture your symptoms, you're not alone. An underactive thyroid can have profound effects on your body's energy production, particularly within the mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cells. In this episode, we'll explore how thyroid dysfunction impacts your energy levels, why mitochondrial health is crucial, and why conventional thyroid testing might not always provide the full picture. Join us as we uncover the intricate connections and equip you with the knowledge to better understand and manage your thyroid health.


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Ep 568 "Mighty Mitochondria: Unlocking the Secrets of Health and Aging"

Welcome to "Mighty Mitochondria: Unlocking the Secrets of Health and Aging," the podcast where we dive deep into the powerhouse of the cell to uncover how these tiny organelles play a crucial role in our overall health and longevity. Join us as we explore cutting-edge research, interview leading experts, and discuss practical tips to boost your mitochondrial function for a healthier, more vibrant life. Whether you're a science enthusiast, a health professional, or just curious about aging gracefully, this podcast is for you. Let's embark on this journey to discover the secrets of staying youthful and energetic!


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Ep 567 Tiny Troublemakers: The Hidden Dangers of Microplastics

Welcome to "Plastic Planet: Unveiling the Hidden Health Threat." I'm your host, and in this podcast, we dive deep into the microscopic world of microplastics, exposing the alarming health effects they pose to both our planet and ourselves. Microplastics, those tiny particles less than 5 millimeters in size, have stealthily made their way into our food, water, and even the air we breathe. We uncover the potential dangers of these invisible invaders as they infiltrate our bodies, exploring their pathways through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption. From their presence in our organs to the potential transfer of toxic chemicals, we unravel the latest research and share insights from experts. Join us as we confront the urgent need to address microplastics' impact on our health and pave the way towards a cleaner, healthier future.


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Ep 566 Vital Updates: Medical News You Can Use

"Welcome to Vital Updates from Dr. Ron. Medical News You Can Use, your go-to podcast for the latest breakthroughs, research, and practical health tips. Join us as we bring you expert insights, actionable advice, and inspiring stories from the world of medicine. Stay informed, stay healthy, and make the most of the cutting-edge information we deliver straight to your ears." "Buckle up for Dr. Ron Unfiltered:


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Ep 565 "The Dark Side of Shade: Unpacking Vitamin D Deficiency"

"Welcome to 'Shadows of Deficiency: The Hidden Risks of Sun Avoidance.'( The Shade Syndrome) In today's episode, we're shedding light on an often-overlooked health issue that’s casting a shadow over our well-being: vitamin D deficiency. With the growing emphasis on protecting our skin from the sun's harmful rays, many of us are staying indoors or slathering on sunscreen more than ever. But is our quest for sun safety leading to unintended consequences? Join us as we explore the crucial role of sunlight in our health, the dangers of vitamin D deficiency, and practical ways to find a healthy balance. Let's uncover the truth behind the shade and learn why a little sunshine might be exactly what the doctor ordered."


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Ep 564 Healthy Alternatives: Professor Peskin on Ditching Toxic Fish Oils

Welcome to another episode of "Science Unveiled." Today, we dive deep into the world of oils, specifically fish oils, and their potential toxicity. Join us as we explore the groundbreaking research conducted by Professor Peskin, a leading expert in the field. Professor Peskin's work on Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) sheds light on healthier alternatives and their practical applications. Fish oils have long been celebrated for their omega-3 fatty acid content and presumed health benefits. However, recent studies have raised concerns about the potential toxicity associated with these oils. Contrary to popular belief, fish oils may not be the panacea they were once thought to be. Professor Peskin's research challenges the prevailing notion that fish oils are the optimal source of omega-3 fatty acids. He delves into the concept of Parent Essential Oils, which are the true primary sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fats cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through diet. One of the key insights from Professor Peskin's work is that excessive omega-3 intake, primarily from fish oils, can disrupt the delicate balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. This imbalance can lead to various health issues, including increased inflammation, compromised immune function, and even an increased risk of certain chronic diseases. However, by focusing on PEOs, which contain both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the correct ratio, Professor Peskin offers a more balanced and potentially safer alternative. PEOs are derived from plant-based sources such as flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil. By incorporating PEOs into our diet, we can maintain the crucial equilibrium between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In terms of practical applications, Professor Peskin's research underscores the importance of informed dietary choices. By emphasizing PEOs over fish oils, individuals can ensure a healthier intake of essential fatty acids. Additionally, his work highlights the significance of personalized nutrition and tailoring dietary approaches to an individual's specific needs. Tune in to this fascinating podcast episode as we explore Professor Peskin's research on the toxicity of fish oils and the potential benefits of incorporating Parent Essential Oils into our daily lives. Discover how making informed choices about our dietary fat sources can contribute to overall well-being and optimal health. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the realm of nutrition, understanding the complexities of fats can lead us to make wiser decisions for ourselves and our loved ones.


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Ep 562 Beyond the Hype: Understanding Fish Oil with Brian Peskin

Today we dive deep into the world of health and wellness. In today's episode, we have the privilege of hosting the renowned Brian Peskin, a distinguished expert in the field of essential fatty acids and their impact on our overall well-being. With a background as a graduate of the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Peskin brings a unique blend of scientific knowledge and practical insights to the table. In fact, he is credited with coining the term "Parent Essential Oils" to describe a specific group of crucial fatty acids found in our diet. Join us as we embark on an enlightening discussion about fish oil, demystifying its benefits, and unraveling the truth behind its role in supporting optimal health. Show Notes Fish Oil Myths and Essential Fatty Acids: A Deep Dive with Brian Peskin In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Ron and co-host Dr. Jerry Smith are joined by the esteemed Brian Peskin, an expert in essential fatty acids. Peskin, a graduate of MIT, brings a wealth of knowledge and critical thinking to the table, challenging conventional wisdom about fish oil supplementation and its impact on health. We explore the critical role of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, specifically Parent Essential Oils (PEOs), and their significance in maintaining optimal health. Peskin demystifies the common misconceptions surrounding fish oil, revealing its potential dangers and the importance of unadulterated omega-6 in our diets. From discussing the physiological impacts of these essential oils on cell membranes and hormone production to delving into the inflammatory response and its connection to chronic diseases, this episode is packed with valuable insights. Peskin also shares practical advice on how to incorporate these essential oils into your wellness routine to ensure better health outcomes. 00:00:00 " Doctor Ron welcomes Brian Peskin and Doctor Jerry Smith on Doctor Ron today 00:01:44 " Brian Peskin is an expert in essential fatty acids and their importance 00:03:49 " Brian Peskin: Many of these studies in fish oil are short term 00:12:30 " M. Peskin says unsaturated fish oils are prone to getting rancid 00:18:25 " If you're taking fish oil, you're killing yourself, Brian Peskin says 00:21:13 " Fish oil makes existing cardiovascular disease worse, studies show 00:28:55 " Taking fish oil increases the number of metastases by ten times, study shows 00:34:53 " The dermatologists don't have a clue why skin cancer is so rampant 00:40:19 " All these fools are taking adulterated oils or fish oil 00:42:20 " Parents can incorporate parent essential oils to help fight diseases and disorders 00:44:14 " Avoiding ultra processed food, avoiding processed oils, don't cook with them 00:46:30 " A study out of orbit showed 35% decrease in cell oxygen level 00:48:07 " Brian peskin: There are 40,000 diseases a doctor can diagnose 00:52:50 " Ron Doctor: For most in medical research field are brilliant idiots Don't miss this episode if you want to take charge of your health and become a true wellness warrior. Question everything, prioritize evidence-based practices, and embrace your personal growth with the knowledge shared by Brian Peskin.


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Ep562 Critical Condition: America's Healthcare Dilemma

We explore the critical importance of taking charge of your own medical care and becoming a wellness warrior in the face of corruption and fake research. We discuss the need for active participation, asking questions, and seeking reliable information to navigate the healthcare system effectively. By empowering yourself with knowledge, building a support network, and embracing a holistic approach to wellness, you can advocate for your well-being and help combat corruption in medicine.


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Ep 561 Science Unmasked: The Rise of Truth and the Fall of Fake Science

In an era where information is at our fingertips, distinguishing between genuine scientific breakthroughs and cleverly disguised misinformation has become increasingly challenging. Every day, we're bombarded with sensational headlines, bold claims, and sometimes, outright fabrications posing as legitimate science. But amidst this sea of confusion, a new wave is rising—a wave of truth, transparency, and rigorous scientific inquiry. Summary The video script discusses the importance of questioning and not blindly trusting scientific research and medical practices. It highlights the prevalence of fake science, the influence of money in scientific research, and the potential dangers of certain medical treatments. It also mentions the presence of microplastics in our environment and the need to take proactive measures to minimize exposure. Highlights Key Insights


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Eps 560 Hidden Poisons: Unveiling the Impact of Everyday Toxins

Welcome to "Hidden Poisons: Unveiling the Impact of Everyday Toxins," the podcast where we explore the unseen dangers lurking in our everyday lives. From the air we breathe to the products we use, toxins are all around us, silently affecting our health and well-being. In this episode, we'll dive into the science behind these hidden poisons, uncovering their sources, understanding their effects, and discussing practical steps we can take to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Join us as we reveal the truths that are often hidden in plain sight and empower you to make informed choices for a healthier future.


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Ep 559 Exploring Life Expectancy and Sunscreens - Fact or Fiction?"

Today we're diving into a topic that affects each and every one of us: sunscreens. More specifically, the controversial claims around sunscreens causing cancer. But that's not all! We'll also be taking a closer look at life expectancy and how it compares between the United States and other developed countries.


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Ep 558 From pantry to plate Processed Food

Welcome to "Processed: Unveiling the Hidden Ingredients," where we delve into the tantalizing world of processed foods, exposing their hidden secrets and unraveling the profound impact they have on our health.


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Ep 557 Healthcare Hazards: Unveiling the Nation's Silent Killers

Welcome to today's episode! Today, we're delving into a startling reality: pharmaceuticals have risen to become the nation's number one killer. But they're not alone in this troubling trend. Surprisingly, doctors themselves rank as the third leading cause of death, highlighting systemic issues within the healthcare system. Additionally, abortions, while a controversial topic, claim a significant place as the fourth leading cause of mortality. This podcast appears to be a valuable resource for individuals interested in learning about the dangers within the healthcare system and advocating for improved patient safety. Further Actions: Watch the full video to gain a deeper understanding of the content and specific issues addressed. Explore other episodes of the series for additional insights on healthcare topics. Research current statistics and information on healthcare-associated risks to stay informed.


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INTRO FOR tuesday's podcast on trsuting your doctor and the media

Tune in on Tuesday at 4 or listen to this podcast on your favorite player. YOU HAVE TO BE A WELLNESS WARRIOR AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF


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Ep 526 Warriors, Are we at the Critical Crossroads

Welcome Wellness Warriors to "Critical Crossroads," where we delve into the pressing issues at the intersection of health, environment, and society. In today's episode, we confront a trifecta of crises: the startling revelation that medical errors rank as the third leading cause of death, the alarming decline in male sperm counts, and the pervasive threat of plastic pollution. Join us as we unravel the tangled web connecting these seemingly disparate issues, and explore the urgent actions needed to safeguard our well-being and the planet for generations to come.


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Ep 525 Navigating the Healing Power of Light

Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the profound ways light influences our lives, from its therapeutic potential as a healing modality to navigating the spectrum of light to ensure our well-being. Get ready to shed light on the healing power of illumination while learning to discern which rays to embrace and which to avoid. Let's brighten our understanding together!


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AI Intro forPodcast Trailer

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EP 525 Special guest Micah Portney regarding Zeolite, more than detox

Today, we delve into the fascinating world of zeolites, natural minerals with remarkable detoxification properties. Zeolites have garnered increasing attention in the medical field for their ability to trap and remove harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body. Our special guest is Micah Portney. Mr. Portney has an extensive background, experience, and knowledge in pioneering and formulation of zeolite supplementation, I will be interviewing him with Dr. William Wong, a naturopathic physician who introduced me to zeolite 8 years ago. Free ebook on Zeolite dosing at--Zeolitedosing.com/zeolitebook.PDF


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Ep 524 What is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.?

"Medical errors, hauntingly, stand as the third leading cause of death in many parts of the world, casting a shadow over the very institutions entrusted with preserving life. Behind this alarming statistic lies a sobering reality: despite advances in medical science and technology, preventable mistakes continue to claim countless lives each year. From misdiagnoses to medication errors, surgical complications to communication breakdowns, the complexities of modern healthcare harbor myriad opportunities for errors to occur. Acknowledging this grim truth is not an indictment of the healthcare profession but a call to action for systemic change. It demands a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement to ensure that every patient receives the safe, high-quality care they deserve."


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Ep 523 How long will you live? Be surprised.

The average American will not live to see 80-years of age. The average life expectancy stands around 76.4 years, according to the CDC, with women living an average of 79.3 years and men expiring sooner at 73.5
