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The Voice of Health with Dr. Robert Prather


The Voice of Health with Dr. Robert Prather airs every Saturday morning at 8 a.m. on Freedom 95--95.9 FM WFDM & 950 AM WXLW--in Indianapolis. And Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC.


Franklin, IN


The Voice of Health with Dr. Robert Prather airs every Saturday morning at 8 a.m. on Freedom 95--95.9 FM WFDM & 950 AM WXLW--in Indianapolis. And Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC.




Meridian Health and Wellness 8902 N. Meridian, Suite 101 Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-848-8048

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Less than 10% of the 40 million addicts in the U.S. are being treated for their addiction. In this episode, find out: --Why addiction is a disease, not just a behavioral issue, because of how it changes the function of your brain and your endocrine system. --How the U.S. has 5% of the population, but takes in 80% of all the drugs in the world (both legal and illegal). --That insurance companies are paying for addictive opioid drugs that are proven to INCREASE pain in chronic pain sufferers. Plus, how health care costs would drop by about 25% if we were able to solve our addiction problem in America! --The people who are at a higher risk to become addicted and the deficiencies they have in their bodies. Plus, the role of genetics in determining a person's tendency of becoming addicted...and their future descendants. --How Ritalin and Adderall prescribed to children can dramatically increase their odds of becoming addicts in the future. --Why Dr. Prather says we are not approaching addiction in the proper way. And why he says treating addiction with more pharmaceuticals only adds to the problem. --The Structure-Function Health Care approach to addiction that is taken at The Prather Practice, including balancing out the brain and the hormones to treat the addiction at the root cause. --The nutritional deficiencies in addicts that Dr. Prather says must be addressed in order to properly treat the addiction. --Which herbals have a very strong effect in treating addiction to drugs and alcohol. And why Dr. Prather says Homeopathy is one of the most important parts of their program for treating addiction by lessening withdrawal symptoms. --The Auriculotherapy and Acupuncture combination that is an "excellent means" for balancing the body out by increasing the patient's own natural opiate receptors, the body's natural opioid production, and an increase in the body's dopamine response. --Why bodywork and Chiropractic are "essential" in addressing the neurological imbalances present in an addict.


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The number of Cancer cases is increasing in America. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the importance of combining Structure-Function Care with the traditional Disease Care for best patient outcomes. In this episode, you'll discover: —How disease develops in the first place because the body goes out of Homeostasis. And how Structure-Function Care is necessary to bring your body back into Homeostasis. —Why Structure-Function Care helps in the prevention of Cancer, helps keep your body healthy during Cancer treatment, and helps the body to recover after Cancer treatment. —The reason Dr. Prather says that surgery is the best treatment for Cancer. And the importance of "more targeted" and "conservative" Disease Care for better Cancer outcomes. —How there is an 85% reduction of side-effects from Cancer treatment (pain, hair loss, radiation burns, fatigue, etc.) when combined with Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments. —Why several Oncologists have told Dr. Prather how they wish they could have him on staff to help with their Cancer patients. —How keeping a patient from becoming Anemic during Cancer treatments can improve the chance of recovery by 50%. And the role that keeping the Liver clean (through Structure-Function Care) has in improving Cancer outcomes. —Why your gut health is critical for Cancer care, and why you have to get the G.I. fixed in order to get the immune system up. —The story of the young woman who had three different bouts with Cancer because she had LOW Cholesterol. —The importance of identifying heavy metal toxicities, underlying infections, parasites, and free radical pathology. And why Estrogen dominance is one of the big things that can kick off Cancer. —Two of Dr. Prather's "favorite" products that he uses for his Cancer patients to boost the immune system, especially for "the really tough" cases.


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It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease. --How Dr. Prather's personal battle as a young man with Graves' Disease (a hyper-functioning thyroid) inspired him to his career. --The two systems that control the body (Nervous and Endocrine) and why Dr. Prather tells patients those must be fixed first. Plus, why the Thyroid is described as the workhorse of the Endocrine system. --How Indiana is in the Top 5 states for thyroid problems due to low iodine in our soil. --How Thyroid affects almost EVERYTHING: hair loss, nail health, weight gain, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, skin health, heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain activity, I.Q., infertility, postpartum depression, menopause. --Why most doctors misread blood tests and misdiagnose patients as having properly-working thyroids. And the "can't miss" explanation of what reference ranges on blood tests REALLY mean. --The various diseases of the Thyroid: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Euthyroid, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer. --The safe and natural thyroid treatment alternatives to the terrible side-effects from surgery or prescription drugs (Including how 80% of those on Synthroid develop depression). --Why Dr. Prather says the medical approach to thyroid is not successful. And how Dr. Prather's goal is to actually fix the thyroid so that it no longer needs treatment. --How 80% of autoimmune disease starts in the gut and why the gut plays a role for thyroid issues caused by autoimmune problems. And the role that food allergies have on the thyroid. --How Chiropractic and Acupuncture help thyroid function by balancing the nervous system. And how hair analysis can be a key test for thyroid function if there are toxins or an imbalance present.


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For our monthly show on Health Freedom issues, we explore the recent testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci to Congress. In this episode, discover: —How Dr. Prather was extremely disappointed in the performance of "both parties" in the Fauci Congressional hearings, which was more about "political grandstanding" and less about a search for the facts. —The one grudging COVID mistake Dr. Fauci admitted to for the very first time. And the story of why the homosexual community hated Fauci for years due to his response to AIDS. —Why the evidence that COVID originated from a lab leaves "no doubt" that this virus was NOT from a natural origin. —How Dr. Prather believes the focus should be on shutting down "gain-of-function" research to prevent deadly outbreaks in the future. —The "Hoosier common sense" that resulted in 45% of the state refusing to take the initial COVID jab. And how the 90% COVID vaccine compliance rate in liberal Vermont plummeted to just 12% for the latest round of boosters. —Why people still believe the Fauci message about COVID. And the psychology behind why it is so difficult for people to give up their belief in a delusion even after it is disproven. —The reason Dr. Prather says it is more difficult to promote a lie than the truth, contrary to what most people would think. —Why it is important for us to fight for a free and open Internet. And what Elon Musk is doing to make that happen with Twitter/X. —How terms like "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer" are labels used to silence and discredit critics of people like Dr. Fauci. And the story of the Merck scientist who helped develop vaccines and was labeled as an "anti-vaxxer" for even raising concerns about mRNA shots. —The history of the movement to improve vaccine safety, which began with the DPT shot for children in the 1980's.


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This week, we're joined by our Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge and Therapist Meghan Walton of the Holistic Integration Structural Team to talk about Cupping Therapy, as well as our high success rate in dealing with shoulder issues. In this episode, find out: —How the weird marks on Olympic athletes that look like they were attacked by an octopus are a result from Cupping Therapy, which is also called Myofascial Decompression. —The issues helped by Cupping Therapy, such as: pain, scar tissue, adhesions, tendinitis, muscle tension and tightness, and range-of-motion problems. —Why the marks left behind by Cupping Therapy are different from bruising and are not painful at all. —How the shoulder is different than any other joint in the body. And how the shoulder isn’t really a "ball-and-socket" joint like the hip, but a "ball-and-dish" socket that allows the unique range-of-motion offered by the shoulder. —The causes of shoulder pain, including: rotator cuff tear, labrum tear, bursitis, and tendinitis (which is the most common cause). And the diagnostics and testing involved in shoulder issues. —The JTECH computerized range-of-motion test used at Holistic Integration that provides an objective analysis of your shoulder. And how Holistic Integration doesn't "do any guesswork". —How 60-75% of partial rotator cuff tears can be healed non-surgically with conservative treatment like Chiropractic treatment and rehab. And how Holistic Integration experienced an even higher success rate with their patients. —The ProAdjuster SRT Chiropractic adjusting technology used at Holistic Integration that has various tools specifically designed for the shoulder joint. And how the Rapid Release vibration therapy "does a great job on the fascia". —Why Dr. Dodge says he "hates" frozen shoulder syndrome, but "loves" how Holistic Integration is able to help patients overcome their suffering through "a return to function, decreased pain, and some incredible range-of-motion". —How you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30 p.m.


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This week, we share how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30 p.m. In this episode, we talk about: —The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes. —How our Holistic Heart program is designed to give our patients safe, non-invasive, and medically-sound cardiac care that is more than just stents and statins. —The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do. —The shocking study from the National Institutes of Health study that revealed stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes. —The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks. And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office. —How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. —Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire. —How Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib). Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack. —The Cardiac C-Reactive Protein Blood Test that is the biggest indicator of having a heart attack. And how Cardiologists are "amazed" by how Dr. Prather can quickly and effectively get positive changes in this measurement.. —What the research-grade Autonomic Nervous System test reveals about the nervous system, circulatory system, and heart function. And how Dr. Prather's office is the only one that offers this diagnostic in Indianapolis.


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While wound care is not usually the main reason people first come into Dr. Prather's office, patients who come in for other conditions end up finding remarkable results for their wound healing, too. In this episode, we talk about: —How approaching wound healing from a Structure-Function Care standpoint is ideal because the focus of Structure-Function Health Care is on helping the body to heal itself. —Why Dr. Prather says that Vitamin C is the most important treatment for wound care and would be his choice of treatment if he "only had one thing to do for a wound". And how Holistic Integration approaches Vitamin C topically, orally, and through I.V. Therapy. —The importance of proper diagnostics for wound healing, including a Micronutrient Panel to determine the nutritional deficiencies in the body that are most of the reason people develop wounds in the first place. And how Dr. Prather's office uses "the gold standard" diagnostic that can actually "identify neuropathy before patients are even aware of it". —The herbal aloe gel Dr. Prather describes "as a really great product" for wound healing. And the historical importance of Gold as a treatment for wound healing, which is used by Dr. Prather in a liquid form to speed up healing. —Why Horsetail (which actually is NOT made up of horse tails!) is "an especially important product for wound healing" and "a secret to beauty" for strong nails, hair, and skin. And how Horsetail Tea was an important treatment for radiation burns used by Doctors Without Borders after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. —How short-wave Diathermy helps with wound healing by increasing circulation and is "a key secret" in Dr. Prather's office for their success rate (over 90%) in getting Neuropathy under control. —The role of different forms of electrical stimulation at Holistic Integration which imitates the body's own electrical current to stimulate cell reproduction, healing, and even going after infections. —Why Laser Acupuncture has a positive effect on wound healing. And how Dr. Prather even sends a handheld laser home with patients that they can use on a daily basis to stimulate wound healing. —How Acupuncture has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of the body and reduces scar tissue. And the incredible story of a patient who had deep abdominal scar tissue from a surgery 30-years prior that was completely eliminated after three months of Acupuncture. —And you won't want to miss the story of Jayne, a retired doctor who was facing a leg amputation from a wound that would not heal...until she came to Holistic Integrarion.


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For our monthly show on Health Freedom, Dr. Prather gives the latest on the World Health Organization Health Pandemic Treaty deliberations. In this episode, you'll learn: —How Dr. Prather was excited at first with the apparent delay in the ratification of a World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty…until he realized the basis of the delay is mostly just about money, not disagreement with the fundamental goals of the Treaty. —Why the proposed Pandemic Treaty is a threat to national sovereignty and our Constitutional rights. —The reason Dr. Prather says the Pandemic Treaty "doesn't pass the smell test". —The opposition to the Pandemic Treaty from Republican U.S. Senators, Governors, and state Attorneys General. —Why Dr. Prather says "anyone in their right mind cannot be for this". —The meaning of the term "One Health" and why it is a threat to our individual rights. —How frightening people about their health is the perfect way for tyrants to enslave people. —The two different responses Dr. Prather saw with COVID: "What can I do to protect myself?" versus "Who (or what) is going to protect me?" —What freedom-loving people should do in response to this Treaty. —Why Structure-Function Health care is important for our freedom and is the answer to our country's health care crisis.


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Dr. Prather recommends that everyone have three very affordable lab tests every year that will reveal the state of your health. In this episode, discover: --How anything that could go wrong with you shows up in The Prather Profile, an inexpensive, nationally-recognized blood profile that covers all the major systems in your body. --That the reference ranges listed on a lab tests are NOT the same as the optimal values for your health. And why Dr. Prather has to re-teach doctors and nurses how to look for that optimal range. --How Dr. Prather has over 600 hours of reading blood tests in his training compared to the average Medical Doctor who only has 15 hours of reading blood tests in Medical school. --Why Dr. Prather says you can get more information from a blood test than any other type of diagnostic. And why Dr. Prather says it's "very seldom" someone comes in with ideal blood tests. --How Dr. Prather interprets bloodwork differently in the Structure-Function Health Care model he practices than how doctors in the Disease Care model look at the labs. --Why Hair Analysis is important to reveal the mineral and heavy metal levels in your body. Plus, how Dr. Prather has seen patients diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease have had all of their symptoms go away when the Hair Analysis revealed the true cause of their symptoms was Manganese toxicity. --The importance of the G.I. Effects Stool kit in revealing your gut flora. --Why Dr. Prather says the research that has been discovered on the gut by the National Institutes of Health "will change health care in America" since almost all autoimmune diseases, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer, are affected by the gut. --The reason why 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Plus, how ALL pharmaceuticals destroy your normal gut flora. --And you won't want to miss the story of Jayne, a retired doctor who was facing a leg amputation from a wound that would not heal...until she came to Holistic Integrarion.


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This week, we're joined by Holistic Integration’s Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton to talk about the technology that can "revolutionize" the Chiropractic industry. In this episode, you'll find out: —The surprising number of different Chiropractic techniques and styles of adjusting systems and techniques. —How Dr. Prather's Chiropractic gentle adjusting philosophy is focused more on precise alignment, while most Chiropractors just focus on getting movement in the joint. —The shocking statistic that the most common diversified technique, practiced by about 80% of all Chiropractors, is actually not preferred by 85% of the population. And the encouraging message Dr. Prather offers to those people who have shied away from Chiropractic because they don't like that technique. —Why Dr. Dodge says the new ProAdjuster technology at Holistic Integration is "a big shift" from the techniques he and Dr. Prather have been utilizing for decades. And how the ProAdjuster is consistent with their gentle, non-force adjusting philosophy. —How the ProAdjuster was built based on proven research. And why an instrument adjustment is a better and more precise approach than the manual "popping and cracking" adjustment. —The reason Dr. Dodge says that, other than their specialty Atlas Orthogonal technique, the ProAdjuster works better in almost all situations than their other adjusting techniques. —The patient success stories of people who are getting out of pain and increasing function quicker with the ProAdjuster technology. —How any spinal and joint condition you would see a Chiropractor for can benefit from the ProAdjuster technology. —The MMT Mechanical Motion Therapy that uses the ProAdjuster SRT to get the joints moving and the ProSoft SRT to get the muscles functioning better for an improved range-of-motion "almost immediately". —The results patients are seeing from the ProAdjuster, including: adjustments holding longer, a dramatic increase in their range-of-motion, and improved sports performance.


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This week, Dr. Prather answers a question people often ask of his patients who refer them to his office. In this episode, we talk about: —How people often don't understand how their condition can be helped by someone who is licensed as a Chiropractor. But how their skepticism usually disappears after their first patient exam. —The Diplomate of the American Board Of Chiropractic Internists (D.A.B.C.I.), 3-year post-graduate program that Dr. Prather went through, which only about 5% of students even complete. —Why Dr. Prather says, “If you don't want diagnostics done, then don't come to me." And how his office offers more thorough diagnostics "than probably any place you've ever been", including for patients who previously went to places like the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. —The difference between pharmaceutically-based Disease Care and the Structure-Function Care practiced at Holistic Integration. And why Dr. Prather says he doesn't treat diseases, but focuses on trying to take care of the underlying cause to the disease and helping the body to work as well as it possibly can. —How 80% of Health Care should be Structure-Function based and 20% of Health Care should be Disease Care based. And the long-term insurance company study that proved how having a Structure-Function doctor as your primary physician will improve patient outcomes by 85% and reduce health care costs by 60%. —Why EVERYONE should have three basic lab tests every year: Prather Profile Blood Analysis, Hair Analysis, and a Stool Kit. —How Dr. Prather saw a "huge improvement" in his patient results when he combined the Structural Care he was offering with Functional Care. And why the combination of both Structure and Function produces results that cannot be duplicated by just Structural care or just Functional care alone. —Why Dr. Prather says that pharmaceuticals, while often necessary, "never make the body healthier" and that "only Structure-Function Care improves the overall health of the body". And why Disease Care and Structure-Function Care should be working together. —The treatments classified as Structure-Function Care, such as: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, herbs, nutraceuticals, vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, and Physiotherapy. And how "everything and anything" can be helped by Structure-Function Care. —Plus, you will be delighted to hear from Mary, a patient of Holistic Integration who was a paramedic for 40 years. And how Holistic Integration has helped her with multiple health issues.


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This week, Dr. Prather answers a common misconception about Iodine and Breast Cancer. In this episode, you'll discover: —The extensive research showing how Low Iodine causes an increased chance of Breast Cancer and a faster growth in the Cancer. —Why the widespread belief of the medical profession that Iodine is dangerous is actually based upon a falsified study, which was paid for by the pharmaceutical companies and took 5 decades to debunk. —How Iodine used to be the most commonly prescribed medicine out there until the falsified study was published in 1948. And the useful rhyme doctors used to quote about the importance of giving Iodine to patients. —Why Dr. Prather says that, "if you want good looking breasts then make sure your Iodine stays at a good level". And how Iodine is important for the skin and has an anti-aging effect. —How Dr. Prather finds that 100% of patients in Indiana have Low Iodine. And how Dr. Prather's office tests to make sure which form of Iodine will work best for your body. —How Iodine is "one of the most important things for any issue with the Breast", including Fibrocystic Breasts, preventing Breast Cancer, and improving the outcome of Breast Cancer. —The importance of Iodine in balancing our Hormones for optimal health. And the link between a Hypothyroid (Low Functioning Thyroid) and Breast Cancer. —The Cancers that Iodine has been proven to help with, including: Breast, Stomach, Esophageal, Cervical, Ovarian, and Uterine Cancers. And how Iodine helps prevent Cancer cells from replicating. —The benefits of Iodine for Men’s health, including boosting Testosterone and being helpful with Prostate Cancer. And the reason Selenium and the Zinc-Copper ratio are important considerations for Iodine to work properly in the body. —Why the Iodine levels of a breastfeeding Mom "makes a huge difference" for their child's I.Q. And how proper Iodine levels can make your child bigger, stronger, healthier, and smarter.


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This week is our monthly show on Health Freedom. And Dr. Prather begins by talking about the recent news of a Measles exposure at the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. In this episode, you'll learn: —Why Dr. Prather says that most of the Measles and Polio cases today are from the vaccines themselves, not from "vaccine hesitancy". And why kids should be isolated from other kids for 48 hours after receiving a vaccine. —How Vitamin A deficiency is the most likely reason why a child gets Measles in the first place. And how Vitamin A is "like magic" for getting Measles under control. —The difference between the older basic vaccinations that Dr. Prather calls "quite effective" versus the mRNA COVID shots that aren't even vaccines, but a genetic manipulation. —The shocking revelation that the CIA's psychological and verbal warfare department first came up with the term "anti-vaxxer”. —What Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says about why Dr. Fauci should be in prison. And why Fauci is "the reason we have this whole COVID thing" in the first place. —The damage done to "a whole generation of children” and to tens of thousands of shuttered small businesses as a result of the COVID response. —How Sweden had "an amazing response" to COVID-19 and have been "completely vindicated". —The amount of taxpayer money Pfizer received for their COVID jab. And how they paid ZERO in federal tax in spite of their huge profits! —How Polypharmacy, which is a patient taking more than 4 prescription drugs, is a common problem for those over the age of 65. And how legally-prescribed drugs are the #3 cause of death in America only behind Heart Disease and Cancer. —Why Dr. Prather says the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty being voted on in May is "very dangerous" and could be "a critical turning point".


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This week, we are joined by Holistic Integration's Associate Chiropractor Dr. Clinton Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton to talk about Knee issues, which is the #2 most expensive structural issue (behind Low Back Lain), with almost $134 BILLION spent per year. In this episode, you'll find out: —Why there are so many problems with the Knee because it takes stress "with almost every motion that we make", with forces of up to 7 times our body weight impacting it. —The reason that most Knee injuries occur because of "improper biomechanics", as most of us cause stress on our Knees through improper movement. —The complex anatomy of the Knee. And why Holistic Integration just doesn’t look at the Knee when there is a problem, but also all the ligaments and muscles surrounding it. —How most acute Knee injuries happen during sports, while most chronic Knee issues are a result of aging. And the connection between a young person's growth spurts and Knee injuries. —The importance of the range-of-motion for the Knee to our Activities of Daily Living like going down stairs, putting your shoes on, and standing for longer than 15 minutes. And why you should "look to the horizon" before you start to lift something. —How Holistic Integration offers patients many different options for gentle, non-force Chiropractic techniques. —Why Decompression Therapy helps patients with "bone-on-bone" conditions to lower the pressure on the joint so that fluid and nutrients can enter into the Knee. And why Dr. Dodge says our Knees "have a supply-chain issue" when it comes to blood flow. —The necessity of Corrective Exercises for Knee problems. And how the Knee braces and Orthotics offered by Holistic Integration are fit and tailored to your particular condition. —How Dry-Needling can "jump start" and expedite the healing process, and also relax tight muscles to help keep the Knee properly aligned. —How Jack, a scientist himself, was able to avoid Knee surgery because of his treatment program at Holistic Integration.


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There is a debate about whether or not Long COVID is real. This week, Dr. Prather offers much needed clarity to the topic that you won't hear anywhere else. In this episode, we talk about: —How Dr. Prather is seeing this right now in about 90% of his patients who developed chronic symptoms that began with their COVID infection. —Why Dr. Prather says that Long COVID includes "every single type of symptom in the entire world", which means that there is no such thing as "Long COVID" with a defined set of common symptoms. And why the medical model "doesn't know what to do with it". —How Long COVID is not something new, as viruses like Epstein-Barr and Coxsackievirus have been shown to cause long-term chronic symptoms. And how Long COVID Is more prevalent because the COVID-19 virus is a "manufactured" virus new to the body. —The book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on "The Wuhan Cover-Up", which Dr. Prather describes as "the most interesting and thorough" book about the history of America's "gain of function"/bio-weapon research. —Why Dr. Prather says the COVID virus (along with the subsequent vaccines for it) has changed the healthcare landscape in a way that no doctor can really deny. —How the mRNA shots "hinder instead of help" the body's response to COVID-19. And what Dr. Prather says you must do to "supercharge" your immune system to avoid being a statistic. —The affordable lab tests everyone should have to find out the health of your immune system and diagnose your ability to combat viruses. —The 3 natural supplements which Dr. Prather finds to be most effective for Long COVID issues. —The errors with the research studies on Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine. And the "amazing" natural product Dr. Prather found "that even works better" than either pharmaceutical. —Why Dr. Prather says you are not going to find answers to Long COVID through Disease Care, but through Structure-Function Care which builds up your body's own immune system to combat viruses.


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Since COVID, there has been an astonishing rise in the numbers of people affected by Depression, which is actually under-diagnosed. This week, Dr. Prather shares how Structure-Function Care offers Hope to those who suffer from Depression with solutions that are natural instead of pharmaceutically-based. In this episode, you'll discover: —The 8 clinical signs of Depression. Plus, the symptoms of Depression in children and adolescents and how long these signs must be exhibited for a diagnosis. —The link between Depression and Hormones. And why women in their 40's and 50's are more likely to be diagnosed with Depression and prescribed an antidepressant. —The dangerous side-effects of antidepressants and how 40% of patients stop taking their medications because of them. —Why Dr. Prather says the connection between medications and school shootings should be explored. —The research that shows a link between the COVID-19 virus itself and Depression, not to mention how the lockdowns and social isolation have contributed to Depression. —Why 80% of those on Thyroid medication develop Depression. —How diet and exercise play big roles in Depression. And how Acupuncture produces "amazing" and "immediate" results for Depression and Anxiety. —The disturbing link between pharmaceutical companies and the funding of government agencies that regulate them. —The "very, very important" role of Nutraceuticals in Dr. Prather's treatment of Depression. And the amazing list of natural products that are helpful for Depression. —How Food Allergies, Hypoglycemia, and Low Hydrochloric Acid can play an overlooked role as causes of Depression.


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This week, we're joined by former Indiana Attorney General and 2024 Republican Gubernatorial candidate Curtis Hill to discuss Health Freedom issues. In this episode, you'll learn Curtis Hill's answers to questions such as: —"Did Indiana's response to COVID get it right?" —"What should Indiana's next Governor do to make sure the mistakes of COVID never happen again? " —"Should schools be involved in health care without the parents being present just like they would for any doctor's appointment?" —"What can we do about government use of our personal healthcare data finding its way to third parties for the purposes of public health?" —"What can be done on a state government level to reform our health care system?" Plus, you'll hear Dr. Prather's thoughts on Health Care reform, including: —Why Dr. Prather believes Health Savings Accounts are the key to putting the power in the hands of patients instead of the insurance companies and bureaucrats. —How the path to true Health Care Reform has already been proven with Structure-Function Health Care as the primary physician, resulting in 60% cost savings, 85% improvement in patient outcomes, and a higher satisfaction from both patients and the Disease Care specialists. —The dangerous" Health Czar" legislation that just passed in the conservative Republican state of South Carolina. —Why the true battle for our Health Care Freedom is on the state level. —How our freedom of speech may be in peril due to a pending case at the Supreme Court.


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The Liver is the largest organ in the body. And Dr. Prather says that almost no one comes into his office as a new patient with a properly functioning Liver. In this episode, you'll find out: —Why Dr. Prather is AGAINST patients doing a Liver cleanse or a Liver flush on their own and should get professional guidance from someone who knows what they are doing. —The optimal blood test ranges Dr. Prather looks for with Liver function. And why this is different from the ranges that the typical Medical Doctor looks at. —How the Liver is called "The Chemical Factory of the Body", has 500 known processes, and "can make every single hormone in the body". And how it can actually REGROW if provided with the proper nutrients. —The connection between Liver toxicity and diseases such as Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. And how nausea and fatigue are indicators of a poorly-functioning Liver. —Why Dr. Prather does not recommend Coffee Enemas. And the much easier and more gentle methods he uses to help patients detox in a healthy way. —The link between high Cholesterol and Liver toxicity. And the dangers of anti-Cholesterol Statin drugs to the health of your Liver. —The herbals that Dr. Prather says are "very important" to the health of the Liver, but also that you should be guided by a professional who is looking at proper lab tests. —How Homeopathy is "especially good" for children and babies because there are no side effects. —Why Dr. Prather says that Acupuncture is "the amazing way" of reducing inflammation on anybody. And the Acupuncture point that Dr. Prather's mentors said can fix about 80% of patients. —How Chiropractic adjustments are necessary because there is a specific misalignment that occurs when someone has Liver toxicity. And the short-wave Diathermy treatment that is a gentle and "amazing" way to detoxify the Liver by increasing circulation to the area.


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This week, we are joined by Holistic Integration's own Meghan Walton and Dr. Clinton Dodge to talk about the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy. In this episode, we talk about: —The conditions helped by CranioSacral Therapy, including: Autism, Migraines, ADD/ADHD, Football Concussion trauma/CTE, pain, TMJ, sleep problems, hormonal imbalances, stomach issues, Vagal nerve issues, anxiety, depression, brain fog, and immune system support. —How the brain can actually change shape and can be damaged when the Cerebrospinal fluid is not moving correctly. And how the brain can "actually regenerate" when the Cerebrospinal fluid flow is corrected. —Why the Cerebrospinal fluid is really important for "the healing of the nervous system” and protects the brain and spinal cord. And how the Cerebrospinal fluid should flow through your body at a rate of six to twelve cycles a minute. —The history of CranioSacral Therapy and its roots in Osteopathy. And how the development of CranioSacral Therapy helped to disprove the belief that the cranial bones are fused and no longer move after a certain age. —What the evaluation for CranioSacral Therapy and the treatment are like. —How the CranioSacral Therapy protocols are designed to put patients into a "healing brainwave state" for the brain that activates brainwaves that are also associated with sleep. —Why being in a "fight or flight" sympathetic nervous system mode will impede the flow of Cerebrospinal fluid and cause us to hold tension in our bodies that sometimes we aren’t even aware of. —How patients say CranioSacral Therapy leaves them feeling "relaxed" and "renewed". And how CranioSacral Therapy sometimes can even result in an emotional release. —The way CranioSacral Therapy and Chiropractic care work together to promote proper Cerebrospinal fluid flow. —The story of a Dentist who has experienced CranioSacral Therapy at Holistic Integration and found it to be "cathartic" and "freeing".


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Last week, we began our discussion of Chronic Kidney Disease and how it is one of the most poorly-addressed health conditions. This week, we talk about the natural treatments and solutions for Chronic Kidney Disease. In this episode, you'll discover: —Why Dr. Prather says he wouldn't want to treat Chronic Kidney Disease without being able to use herbals. But also that patients need to be careful and get proper guidance from someone who knows what they are doing. —How Arginine is "extremely important" for the Kidneys. And how Glandulars provide all the nutrients that the body needs to make the Kidneys and heal the Kidneys. —The "critical" need to properly balance your minerals for the Kidneys to work properly. And the Homeopathic formulas that are "a secret weapon" in stimulating healing of the Kidneys. —Why Dr. Prather says that table salt is "not fit for human consumption", but Kidney patients should be INCREASING their consumption of alkaline sea salt to see healing in their Kidneys and a reduction in their Hypertension. —The brand of water Dr. Prather recommends to his patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. And how you can consume too little or even too much water. —The Chiropractic Kidney Lift adjustment Dr. Prather uses to relieve low back pain and remove nerve interference to the Kidneys. —Why Dr. Prather says that Acupuncture is "a missing ingredient" in treating the Kidneys. And how he sees the results increase for patients who aren't improving like they should once they add Acupuncture to their treatment regimen. —The Diathermy treatment that Dr. Prather describes as "essential” for increasing the circulation and lymph flow to promote the healing of the Kidneys. —The External CounterPulsation/ECP Therapy that is "one of the big answers" for treating Chronic Kidney Disease by providing increased blood flow to the Kidneys, which then lowers high blood pressure by improving Kidney function. —How Larry, who has battled Multiple Sclerosis for 48 years, has Improved his balance with the help of Holistic Integration.
