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The Orthopreneurs Podcast with Dr. Glenn Krieger


What does it mean to become an Orthopreneur? Hi there! My name is Dr. Glenn Krieger and I believe that in today’s competitive world, the orthodontic and dental communities should be collaborative. And I've created Orthopreneurs so that we can move towards that goal together. Orthodontists are smart people. You’ve accomplished a lot to get where you are, but chances are you never got a formal education in how to run the most effective and lowest stress practice possible. Don’t sweat it! Because we’ve got your back... Being an Orthopreneur means that you’re a part of a community. A community that brings peers together to become the best clinicians and the best business owners they can be. Becoming an Orthopreneurs means you never ever need to practice alone. Join the FREE Facebook group by simply applying:


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What does it mean to become an Orthopreneur? Hi there! My name is Dr. Glenn Krieger and I believe that in today’s competitive world, the orthodontic and dental communities should be collaborative. And I've created Orthopreneurs so that we can move towards that goal together. Orthodontists are smart people. You’ve accomplished a lot to get where you are, but chances are you never got a formal education in how to run the most effective and lowest stress practice possible. Don’t sweat it! Because we’ve got your back... Being an Orthopreneur means that you’re a part of a community. A community that brings peers together to become the best clinicians and the best business owners they can be. Becoming an Orthopreneurs means you never ever need to practice alone. Join the FREE Facebook group by simply applying:



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The Math Behind OSOs/DSOs Upfront Payments

You've heard the chatter, the endless back-and-forth about OSOs. The truth is, while there are many reasons to join or not join an OSO, the financial argument in favor of joining is compelling when you consider the potential growth of a large upfront investment. In this 5-minute episode, I explain how a significant upfront payout can dramatically accelerate your retirement timeline, thanks to the power of compounded interest and strategic investment. Dismissing OSOs solely on the upfront money is a myth we need to debunk. If you're curious about the true financial impact of joining an OSO, you can't miss this episode. Click to listen and get a clearer picture of the numbers! Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Financial benefits of OSOs (00:38) Understanding EBITDA (01:24) Investment returns (02:46) Compounded interest explained (04:04) Monthly savings comparison (06:56) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Orthodontic Practices Are Boosting Their Productivity With This New Hiring Strategy

Struggling with staffing shortages and looking to enhance productivity without breaking the bank? In this episode, I am joined by J.W. Oliver, co-founder of Support DDS, to discuss some ways to leverage virtual assistants in your practice. As a seasoned professional in the dental industry, Oliver shares his journey from dental equipment sales to founding Support DDS. His company sources highly educated virtual assistants from all over the world to provide reliable and quality services. Learn about the concept of "insourcing" and how integrating virtual assistants into your team can free up your in-house staff for higher-value tasks. J.W. debunks common myths about outsourcing, demonstrating the exceptional communication skills and dedication of their international workforce. Beyond efficiency and cost-effectiveness, Support DDS is committed to social impact, donating 51% of their profits to global charitable causes. As a huge proponent of outsourcing, I can't emphasize enough how virtual assistants can transform your practice. J.W. shares powerful insights on how to 2x, 3x, or even 4x your productivity by eliminating, automating, delegating, and concentrating on the right tasks. If you're ready to make more money, reduce stress, and build a happier, more productive team, tune in now. Click to listen and discover how virtual assistants can transform your practice! Key Takeaways Introduction to the topic of virtual assistants (00:00) J.W. Oliver's background and story (01:57) Technological advancements enabling global hiring (04:47) Addressing outsourcing stigmas (07:58) Practical benefits of using virtual assistants (11:07) Onboarding process and best practices (15:32) Handling communication and management issues (22:42) Legal and operational aspects of hiring (25:01) Success stories and personal experiences (27:25) Closing thoughts and contact information (31:07) Additional Resources Book a discovery call with SupportDDS Dental Outsourcing Company: - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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How to Make $3,000,000+ per Year as an Orthodontist

As a person who interacts with many successful orthodontists running multi-million-dollar practices, I can attest that a $3 million plus practice is well within reach for many clinicians. I know this may seem unattainable to some, but I personally know over 100 people with $3 million practices. These are good quality clinicians who have developed great practices. The truth is the only limitations that you will have in life are the ones you put on yourself. If you say you could never have a $3 million practice, then you likely won't. But if you are open to the possibility and willing to put in the work, the path to a thriving, high-revenue practice becomes much clearer. Many orthodontists have preconceived notions about what is possible based on their local market. They assume they could never achieve the same level of success as practices in other areas. Stop believing the myths and start building the practice of your dreams. You've got this, and I'm here to help you reach for the stars. Tune in! Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Vision of a $3 million practice (00:25) Shift your mindset (01:15) A $3 million+ practice is attainable (03:15) Dream bigger (04:59) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Dr. Tom Pitts on Advanced Orthodontic Techniques for the Perfect Smile

Like many other orthodontists, I've long admired the work of Dr. Tom Pitts. So I am thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with him for a second time to discuss his approach to creating exceptional smiles. Dr. Pitts explains that the Wow Factor goes beyond just straight teeth. It's about creating smiles with full incisal display, a harmonious smile arc that follows the curve of the lower lip, and an arch form that is wide and free of buccal corridors. But it's also about the proper inclination of teeth with upright incisors, cuspids, and molars that come together in a beautiful, natural-looking bite. Dr. Pitts has found that achieving the wow smile can be challenging in some cases. These include those with deep bites, short lower facial heights, and prominent facial features. This is where Dr. Pitts' Pitts 21 system helps. With precise bracket positioning and following specific wire protocols, you can achieve optimal results. Dr. Pitts' passion for pushing the boundaries of what's possible in orthodontics is inspiring to all of us. Tune in to learn more from the legend himself. Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Wow smile characteristics (02:58) Challenges in achieving wow smiles (05:18) Importance of bracket and wire protocols (09:15) Archwire expansion techniques (15:20) Impact of orthodontics on airway (20:27) Details on the upcoming Dr. Pitts course in Dallas (28:05) Additional Resources "Discover the WOW Factor in Orthodontics" Course by Dr. Tom Pitts: Pitts21 System: —- - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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The Messages I Get From Younger Orthodontists

The orthodontic profession is at a major crossroads. Tension and frustration brought about by the generational divide has grown bigger. Younger orthodontists are entering the profession with huge financial burdens brought about by their student loans. As that was not enough, they face further challenges when they step into the saturated market. Many older orthodontists are delaying retirement, making it difficult for new doctors to find associateships or acquire their own practices. The high cost of starting or purchasing a practice compounds the problem. Many younger orthodontists have expressed their frustration to me with the attitudes of their older counterparts. They feel that they are unwilling to step aside and make way for the next generation. They see older orthodontists as clinging to their practices, unwilling to bring on associates or sell their practices at reasonable prices. Older orthodontists need to recognize that they have a responsibility to pave the way for the next generation. Both younger and older practitioners need to realize that our profession has changed over the decades, and we all need to adapt to these changes. Tune in to this episode to understand the dynamics at play in our profession! Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) I hear you, younger orthodontists (00:25) Impact of OSOs and DSOs (00:37) Economic differences between generations (02:03) Older orthodontists' reluctance to retire (03:15) High educational debt for new graduates (04:52) Call for generational dialogue (06:31) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Lessons in Fearlessness and Adventure from Sibling Orthodontists

I've known Chris and Marty Trockel for years, having gone through orthodontic residency with them. Even back then, I could tell there was something special about these two brothers. They had a certain je ne sais quoi - a fearlessness and determination that set them apart. In this episode, they shared their extraordinary story and how they developed this mindset early in their childhood. As I listened, I was struck by just how much their story can inspire all of us to pursue our dreams, no matter how unconventional they may be. They share their vision of balancing orthodontics with extensive travel, homeschooling on the road, and providing dental care to remote communities. They have built an unbelievable life and career doing what they love and helping people in their missions. Tune in to learn how you can reimagine your professional and personal life and embrace a fearless approach to achieving your dreams! Key Takeaways Introduction of Chris and Marty Trockel (00:00) Chris shares his upbringing and educational journey (03:07) Discussion on the brothers' philosophy of money and happiness (06:08) Marty's current adventures and family life (08:48) Chris's sailing experiences and mission work (12:41) College years and the decision to pursue orthodontics (21:09) Commitment to their vision and balancing professional life (30:36) Chris and Marty's service missions and dental care (34:30) Most memorable travel experiences (45:49) Closing remarks (49:59) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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The Value of Unfamiliar Speakers at Professional Meetings

As someone who regularly organizes professional meetings and conferences, I've noticed an interesting phenomenon. When I ask attendees who they want to hear speak, the overwhelming response is that they are "tired of hearing the same old names." People complain that they don't want to travel to a meeting only to listen to the same speakers they see at multiple events throughout the year. However, when I take this feedback to heart and curate speaker lineups featuring lesser-known experts, I often find that attendance suffers. Attendees say they want something new but then don't show up when I (or other organizers) deliver it. Just because a speaker isn't a household name in your industry doesn't mean they can't provide immense value. Some of the highest-rated speakers I've ever featured were people my attendees had never heard of before. Victor Antonio, for example, was one of the most popular speakers at OP Summit, even though most attendees were not familiar with him prior to the event. I would encourage orthodontists to look inward and be honest with themselves about what they truly want from professional meetings. If you say you want new speakers but then don't attend events featuring them, it makes it very difficult for organizers to plan successful events. Tune in to this 5-minute episode for more! Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Attendees request new speakers but don't attend (00:39) Value of lesser-known experts (01:25) Balancing well-known and new speakers (02:18) Trust in meeting organizers (02:55) Importance of honest feedback in surveys (03:50) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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The Internal Practice Fix That Outperforms External Marketing

Attracting leads is just one-half of the equation when it comes to growing our practices. Converting these leads into paying customers requires a focus on patient experience from the very first phone call. High staff turnover can pose a challenge to ensuring consistent communication in our offices. In this episode, I am joined by Brian Wright, founder of New Patient Group and managing partner of WrightChat. Brian is an experienced entrepreneur and expert in customer experience. He explains the huge role of customer experience in driving practice growth and profitability. So much so that internal improvements often outweigh the benefits of external advertising. Remote phone answering with a dedicated team focused on building rapport with new patients is one of the internal improvements that ensure a consistent patient experience. But a positive experience goes beyond phone calls. Orthodontists should prioritize hospitality and clear communication to build trust and convert interest. Take control of your patient experience and watch your practice thrive. Tune in to learn more and claim your discount. Key Takeaways Introduction to the episode and guest Brian Wright (00:00) Brian's background and entrepreneurial journey (01:34) Importance of patient experience in practice success (03:24) Differentiating clinical skills from business skills (08:03) Common objections to the work needed to grow a practice (14:12) Overcoming biases and embracing innovation (20:16) Costs vs investments in business (24:46) WrightChat's services and their impact on practices (28:11) The importance of continuous learning and coaching (35:22) Additional Resources - New Patient Group: - For consulting and training services - WrightChat: - For managing new patient calls and follow-ups - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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AI Hacks Every Orthodontist Should Know

Imagine having five extra weeks of vacation each year. Sounds too good to be true, right? I’m here to show you how it's possible with the power of artificial intelligence. In this 5-Minute Friday I reveal how AI tools like ChatGPT can streamline your tasks, from drafting professional emails to summarizing scientific articles and generating marketing ideas. By implementing AI effectively, you can save up to an hour each day. That adds up to five weeks of free time every year! Think about all the things you could do with that time. Click to listen now and start saving time with AI. Plus, join us at the OrthoPreneurs Summit 2024 to learn more about AI and productivity. Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) AI tips to save more time (00:28) 5 weeks of vacation using AI (01:22) Summarizing articles and creating presentations (04:03) Everyday uses of AI (04:47) Using saved time for personal development (09:06) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Take Charge of Your Pelvic Floor Health with Dr. Jennifer Frankoski

When we talk about optimizing health, rarely does pelvic floor health come up. It is overall but has huge implications for both our physical and emotional health. The intricate network of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue that forms the pelvic floor plays an important role in supporting the body's core. In addition, it regulates bowel and bladder function and even influences sexual satisfaction and overall body confidence. It is clear that prioritizing pelvic floor health is important for maintaining a strong, resilient, and empowered body. And It's relevant for both men and women. I recently had a conversation with Dr. Jennifer Frankoski, a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor therapy and orthopedics. She stressed that maintaining good pelvic floor health isn't just for those experiencing problems. Tune in to this episode to learn more about pelvic floor health, including some proactive steps you can take to improve your overall well-being. Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) Dr. Jennifer's background in physical therapy (03:11) Typical patients and common issues (05:08) Importance of sleep for injury prevention (06:33) Benefits of meditation and breath work (11:35) Overview of pelvic health (15:17) Proactive measures for pelvic health (21:58) Importance of personalized physical therapy (25:34) How to contact Dr. Jennifer (27:01) Additional Resources Connect with Dr. Jennifer Frankoski - Website: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Email: - Phone No: 980-221-9687 - Article to sleep Dr. Jennifer talked about: The Sleep and Recovery Practices of Athletes: —- - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Forget "Practice Makes Perfect," This is What REALLY Makes You a Master

I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying, practice makes perfect or something along those lines. It’s true to some extent, but like most things in life, it's the quality of that practice that truly matters. Think of it like this. You wouldn't expect a tightrope walker to debut their act 50 feet above concrete with no net, would you? No way! They'd start low, over a forgiving pit of foam peanuts. That’s the practice zone where they make numerous mistakes before they ever get to perform. It’s a safe place to learn. The performance zone is where you put your polished skills to the test. Competition day, a big presentation, treating your first patient – that's all performance zone. The goal here is to minimize errors and deliver your best work. Effective performance relies heavily on what you did in the practice zone. The biggest mistake I see? Throwing a team fresh out of a course right into the real world and expecting miracles. Supervised practice in a low-pressure environment. Let them make mistakes, get feedback, and refine their skills before they handle paying clients. Structure your practice for mistakes, and don't be afraid to experiment. Tune in to this 5-minute Friday to learn more! Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) The No.1 reason why people dont succeed (00:46) Practice vs. performance zone (01:49) Example of clinical photography (02:18) Maximizing and minimizing mistakes (03:42) Tips for effective training (04:08) Additional Resources - Eduardo Briceño Ted Talk: - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Bringing the Family Fun to Your Orthodontic Education at Sea

The Orthopreneurs Summit (OP Summit) has been described as the best meeting in ortho, but this year’s summit at sea will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But what if you have kids? The good news is OP Summit 2024 has you covered. The Serenade of the Seas is fully equipped and staffed to handle children of all ages, from babies (6 months) to teens. The OP Summit at Sea offers parents peace of mind with its qualified childcare staff and secure facilities. If you come in with your family, you’ll have the option to customize your cruise experience by signing up the kids for different fun activities. In addition, the flexible programming allows parents to schedule childcare around their needs, whether they want to attend a lecture or simply relax by the pool. In this episode, I am joined by Jeannette Loury, the Director of Youth, Family, and Sports at Royal Caribbean International, to discuss the comprehensive family and youth programs that will be available on the ship. Tune in to learn of all the facilities and fun activities available on the ship! Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) Jeannette's background and career progression (02:21) Detailed explanation of youth programs and activities (03:57) The nursery and qualifications of staff (09:48) Activities for older children and flexible programming (16:08) Best practices for families on board (20:02) After-hours programs and additional family activities (22:37) Overall benefits of family cruising with Royal Caribbean (26:02) Customizable cruise experiences for families (30:15) Closing remarks and final thoughts (33:59) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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3 Hiring Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid in Your Practice

Finding and hiring great employees is crucial for any practice. But with so many factors to consider, it's easy to make mistakes. In this episode, I share 3 common hiring mistakes to avoid and ensure you're bringing the best people on board. One of these tips, is to never wing it when it comes to interviewing. Learn how implementing a structured system, like the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), will streamline your hiring and ensure candidates align with your core values. The system also ensures every candidate gets the same experience. Tune in now and change your practice’s hiring process and build your dream team! Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) How to make your hiring better (00:35) Use EOS for consistent evaluation (01:04) Involve the entire team in the hiring process (03:32) Conduct thorough background checks (04:38) Effective feedback and team training (06:22) Additional Resources - Top Five Mistakes When Giving Feedback w/ Joe Hirsch - Protect Your Orthodontic Practice from Embezzlement w/ David Harris - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Loan Officer Reveals How to Secure Financing for Your Dream Orthodontic Practice

Building, buying, or expanding a dental practice is an exciting step for any dentist/orthodontist. It allows you to create your own space, deliver the care you envision, and build a successful business. Turning that dream into reality often requires financing. Securing a traditional bank loan for land and construction can be tough. More so for those with limited down payment options. In this episode, I chat with Bert Smith, Senior Vice President of Healthcare Financing at Live Oak Bank, to demystify orthodontic practice financing. Bert explains how specialized banks cater to the unique needs of dental professionals. From the benefits of SBA loans to the strategic advantages of owning your practice’s real estate, Bert shares a lot of insider knowledge that will definitely transform how you approach financing. You will understand why conventional banks might struggle with your loan requests and how smaller bank's personalized approach works best for dental/orthodontic practices. Don’t miss out - this episode is packed with practical advice to help you make informed financial decisions. Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) Bert’s journey - career path to Live Oak Bank (01:57) Banks’ view on orthodontic practices (03:01) Traditional loan models - Financing land and buildings (10:35) How SBA loans benefit orthodontic practices (14:58) Flexibility of SBA loans (19:33) SBA vs. conventional loans interest rates (25:45) Additional Resources - Live Oak Bank Website: - Bert Smith's Email: - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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The Missing Piece in Your Orthodontic Practice

I've been getting way too many messages from orthodontists who are stuck financially, even after many years of practice. One of the main reasons for this is lack of professional development. As fantastic as our profession, it’s also a business. We must invest in our professional development if we are to succeed. Some people get stuck in the professional mindset, forgetting the business side. The best clinical skills in the world won't pay the bills if you can't run a profitable practice. That's why I'm telling you, invest in yourself. Take courses on leadership and management, go to meetings, visit other practices, and do anything you have to do. The bottom line is that you must invest in yourself. Tune in and discover how to make meaningful changes that lead to a more profitable and fulfilling orthodontic practice. Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) Financial struggles of orthodontists (00:32) Professional vs. business mindset (01:40) Importance of investing in yourself (03:11) Balancing family and professional growth (06:17) Continuous education in management (08:41) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Save Big on Your Practice’s Supplies Without Changing a Thing w/ Darren Morris

A big part of practice success is keeping costs and expenses under control. If you don’t, they can eat into your margins and eventually hurt your bottom line. In today’s episode, I am joined by Darren Morris, a cost-saving expert from Schooley Mitchell. They help businesses find significant savings from their existing vendor relationships. We are not talking about just a few dollars here and there; we are looking at enough money to pay for vacation. Most importantly, these savings on essential supplies and services will not compromise the quality of care. It’s not looking for the cheapest products but leveraging strategic negotiation tactics and market knowledge to optimize expenses. Darren shared compelling examples of how Schooley Mitchell has helped orthodontic practices achieve substantial savings. Imagine saving 30% or more on brackets and wires or securing significant discounts on lab fees. These savings translate directly to a healthier bottom line for your practice. Tune in to learn more! Key Takeaways Introduction (00:00) Darren's background and career path (02:03) Examples of cost savings in various sectors 05:38) Leveraging vendor relationships (07:42) Specific savings in orthodontics (10:01) Schooley Mitchell's negotiation strategies (13:21) Importance of asking the right questions in negotiations (18:07) The role of data in vendor negotiations (22:55) Schooley Mitchell's fee structure (33:59) Additional Resources - Schooley Mitchell Website: - Darren Morris Email: - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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How a Mindset Shift Can Accelerate Your Professional Success

Many orthodontists struggle to justify the cost of professional development opportunities. Some view it as an expense rather than an investment. They will balk at the associated cost of professional development opportunities. This spending mentality leads to missed opportunities for growth and stagnation in the long run. A more successful approach is adopting an investment mindset. The cost of professional development is an investment in your most valuable asset, that is, yourself and your practice. By investing in your knowledge, skills, and network, you are actively taking steps to cultivate future returns. Tune in now to this 5-minute episode to learn how a simple shift in mindset can lead to growth. Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Investment in professional growth (02:17) Value of continuous professional development (03:21) Spending versus investing (04:39) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Top Orthodontic Freebies Your Patients Will Love

Orthodontic swag has traditionally consisted of generic toothbrushes or lip balm, the predictable pen, and the flimsy tote bag. These are all useful items, but they lack the "wow" factor. Our patients expect more. They crave that jaw-dropping experience more than the products themselves. That's where themed swag boxes come in, offering a unique opportunity for orthodontists to level up their patient experience and build lasting brand loyalty. In this episode, Randy Pulitzer from Swag Headquarters shares some strategies on how to make your promotional products work for you. He will also be speaking and sharing even more strategies at the OP Summit at Sea 2024. Randy, a lawyer turned swag expert, shares tips on avoiding "brand fill"— these are cheap items that end up in the trash and offer no marketing value. The right promotional items that maximize impressions don’t have to break the bank. Simple strategies such as kitting will enhance brand visibility greatly. High-quality, customizable items often outperform name brands in terms of customer engagement. From trendy mugs to effective pens, this episode covers it all. Tune in for Randy's expert advice on making the most out of your marketing budget. Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Randy’s background and transition to swag (02:20) Importance of avoiding brand fill (05:15) Cost per impression and its significance (10:35) Quality vs. name brand items (17:53) Concept of kitting and its benefits (35:01) Bundling items to convey a cohesive brand message (38:59) Additional Resources Connect with Randy Pulitzer - Website: - Email: - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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How the Wealthy Think About Money

Building a successful orthodontic practice takes dedication, expertise, and yes, financial savvy. But at the end of the day, we are all looking for true financial freedom. The key to wealth creation is understanding the time value of money. The sooner you invest, the more time your money has to grow. Even small amounts invested early on can snowball into significant wealth over time. The OSO model gives you access to significant earning potential upfront that you wouldn't have as a solo practitioner. Think about it – wouldn't a lump sum upfront, strategically invested, potentially lead to far greater financial rewards over time? Tune in to this 5-minute episode to learn more! Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) Differences in how the poor, middle class, and wealthy view money (00:47) The importance of the time value of money (01:28) Benefits of upfront payments in wealth accumulation (02:09) Investing wisely and living modestly to grow wealth (03:29) Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:


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Expert Advice on How to Protect Your Orthodontic Practice from Cyber Threats

Imagine walking into your office and feeling a chill run down your spine, realizing that your computer systems have been held hostage by ransomware. Or imagine looking a patient in the eye and telling them their personal information might be floating around on the dark web. If you haven't experienced these nightmares yet, consider yourself lucky, but don't get too comfortable. Cybercrime is a growing threat, and orthodontic practices are not immune to it. In fact, small and medium-sized businesses like yours are often more vulnerable to attacks due to limited resources and less stringent security protocols. But you don't need to become a cybersecurity expert to take some proactive steps to protect yourself and your practice. Today, we welcome John Sileo, founder and CEO of the Sileo Group and a renowned cybersecurity expert. His mission? To help businesses like yours stay out of the damaging headlines of a data breach. Beyond just the technical aspects, John touches on the personal impacts of cyber-attacks, the heightened risks small businesses face, and practical steps you can take today to safeguard your data. Click here to listen to the full episode and take the first step towards securing your practice's future. Key Takeaways Intro (00:00) The unique risks small businesses face (02:05) The impact of cybercrime (07:39) Importance of recognizing personal risks in cybersecurity (10:50) Ransomware and other cyber threats (22:34) How to identify and address known vulnerabilities (29:54) Additional Resources - John Sileo’s Website: - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): - For more information, visit: - Join our FREE Facebook group here:
