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Flowdreaming: Still Kinda Woo Woo

New Age Spirituality Talk

Get unstuck. Find your inner power. Feel revitalized and excited for life. See what you're truly capable of creating or becoming. And, learn to manifest and co-create using the power of Flow and the Universe! Mix up a pinch of woo and a ton of practical advice. Come join me for a heap of super good vibes, deep honest teachings, and an open-minded, growth-seeking friend to hang out with (me)! Discover manifesting, abundance thinking, deep healing, inner power, mindset, coaching, business advice, and of course the magic elixir of Flowdreaming — we cover it all! All for the purpose of helping grow into your inner power, magic, and success each and every week.


San Diego, CA


Get unstuck. Find your inner power. Feel revitalized and excited for life. See what you're truly capable of creating or becoming. And, learn to manifest and co-create using the power of Flow and the Universe! Mix up a pinch of woo and a ton of practical advice. Come join me for a heap of super good vibes, deep honest teachings, and an open-minded, growth-seeking friend to hang out with (me)! Discover manifesting, abundance thinking, deep healing, inner power, mindset, coaching, business advice, and of course the magic elixir of Flowdreaming — we cover it all! All for the purpose of helping grow into your inner power, magic, and success each and every week.



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BONUS: Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs with Guest JM Reyerson

What’s holding you back? Do your beliefs actually fit you, or do they end up making you miserable? Delve deep into self-limiting beliefs and the power of self-care with guest JM Reyerson. JM’s passion is to help people develop the inner qualities that will move them into their next level of success. With that in mind, come hear how enhancing your vulnerability, courage, and other aspects of yourself are crucial to your own leveling up. Visit Podcast: Visit for more. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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BONUS: 8 Feet of Nothing with Katie Silcox

Today we fuse ancient Ayurvedic, tantric, and Buddhist thought with the future-facing practice of Flowdreaming. My guest Katie Silcox and I sweep you up in a conversation where we both end up describing the very same way of living, just through two different historical lenses. Dive into feminine power (or shakti), the ease and philosophy of flow, and the layered, balanced way to manifest using both masculine and feminine energies. Find Katie’s work at , check out her podcast Spirit Sessions, and take a peek at her latest book, Glow-Worthy. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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731: Summer Solstice Manifesting: Heat Up Your Manifesting with Sizzling Solar Energy!

Stop by for a quick Summer Solstice practice that will supercharge you and heighten the energy around whatever you’re creating in your life. This ritual stokes the heat and fire around your manifesting as you capture the essence of the sun in your heart and being. Plus, you’ll be brought into the Flowdream “Going Big” (also available at the Flowdreaming shop at ). For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , watch Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app. Or reach out to Summer for a private session or reading!


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730: An Energy Activation That Works

Imagine sitting down and spending just 10 to 15 minutes in a state of deep communication with the universe. In these moments, you’re able to perfectly craft how your life looks and feels in every way. The energy you create is huge, beautiful and feels like it radiates from your very inner being. This emotion—this energy— moves like a sculpturer’s hands into all the situations around you, modifying, adjusting, and shaping. This energy is a Flowdream. We talk about how to use a Flowdream to make your life’s wishes come true. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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729: The Roughest Coaching Session of My Life (How to Spot Toxic Coaching)

True story! Come with me into a coaching session that went very very bad, very very fast. Get a firsthand look at what “toxic coaching” is like and learn how to discern the people who are truly gifts in your life from those who gaslight. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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BONUS: Think Unbroken with Guest Michael Unbroken

You all know my obsession with power leaks. Well, Michael Unbroken takes it to a new level. This man gets positively fierce about facing and healing the broken bits inside you. If you’re curious what it means to take healing to the ultimate level in yourself…and discover what that kind of journey can do for you to take your power back, totally change your life, and become a new person in your own world, then listen to this deeply fascinating conversation. Visit Michael at @michaelunbroken. Visit Summer at for more.


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728: Slaying Imposter Syndrome

Procrastinating, underearning, feeling frozen in place or overwhelmed…is there a root cause to all of these? Yes, and it’s called Imposter Syndrome. It’s when you want to do something and know you can do it well…but somehow you always back away. There’s someone better than you already in the game. There are people who can’t or won’t want to pay you for your gifts. There’s a wiggly feeling that surfaces at times that whispers, “You’ll never be promoted to that, or earn that!” Maybe you’re even in a position right now where you feel like you’re faking your way along. Let’s end that. You deserve to be where you are. You deserve the opportunities that came to you. You deserve to be paid a living wage. And you are worthy of pursuing any dream that you hold. Today we’ll use mindset and flow to break you free energetically and emotionally so you’ll never feel “not good enough” again. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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566: A Super Dose of Good Energy NOW!

The best thing you can do when facing lack, change, uncertainty or disappointment is to counterbalance it with good feelings. And sometimes, getting those good feelings on your own is darn near impossible. So today, tune in and let me guide you into them. Come aboard the “Flow train.” All we’re doing today is FEELING GREAT! For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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BONUS: Your 5-Step Manifesting Practice with Guest Emma Mumford

“Ask - Believe - Trust - Surrender - Receive.” My guest Emma Mumford of the “Spiritual Queen's Badass Podcast” shares her five-step method for manifesting. We delve into the two most important parts, particularly: trust and surrender, and explore why they can feel so hard to do sometimes. Visit Emma , For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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653: The Unmanifested

All those things you’re trying to make that aren’t here yet. Why? What’s getting them stuck? We look at the things that aren’t yet here in your life, even though you want them so badly. Then, Summer gives you tools (including Flow) and ideas for vastly shortening the wait. Enjoy the Flowdream in this episode, and for more, visit Flowdreaming.com or download the Flowdreaming app and listen to the Manifest My Ultimate Best Outcome Playlist.


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672: 3 Tools for Growing Your Inner Power

You know that feeling: confident, high, ready to tackle anything? Why is that feeling so rare? Let’s look at what inner power is, how it leaks away, and how to recapture it so you can go forward with surety and success. This “mini training” helps you find your inner power and support it so it sticks around. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flo


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BONUS: The Nature of the Soul with Kevin Carton

Maybe it’s time to update our notion on what our soul really is—what its function is, how to discover it, and how to trust it as a compass in our lives. My guest today, Kevin Carton, has spent the last decade researching the concept of soul, and especially, finding our soul’s purpose. Join us for this insightful, profound conversation on what it means to be soul-driven in our lives. Learn more about Kevin Carton: Instagram: @kevinfcarton Website; For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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727: The Manifesting Energy of Flowers, Stones, and Resins

Delve into the world of symbols, energy, anchors, and rituals with me! Discover the meaning of flowers and resins, why gems and stones seem to carry certain energies, and how symbols (whether numbers, runes, or images) carry the weight of particular energies, and how traditional spiritual practices have incorporated these into rituals for millennia. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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BONUS: Spark Your Light with Jaclyn Gallo

Your self-image. Is that the same as your ego? Or maybe it’s confidence? Just what is it exactly, and how do we build it (or lose it)? Jaclyn Gallo and I explore the elusive idea of our self-image and how failure, success, and all kinds of emotions, experiences and choices either help us cultivate a great self-image….or positively tear it apart. Jaclyn shares how affirming a core, authentic self-image has been crucial to her success, and shares how you can begin the journey of building/rebuilding yours. Visit Jaclyn at , and check out her podcast, Spark Your Light.


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726: Special Series - Empaths Working in the “Wrong Field” (Finance! Tech! Science! Admin! Business!)

Maybe you work at a so-called regular job. You're not an artist, writer, or healer. Nope, you work for a bank. Or in HR. Or manage staff or projects. Or run the front desk. Or study air quality. Or sit on a manufacturing line. You spend a lot of time on work that’s the opposite of creative or spiritual. And yet you hunger for something to fill you up. How did you end up there, even when your empathic gifts are constantly whispering in your ear to go in a different career direction? We explore the fit of empaths in the worlds of finance, high-tech, science, business and other seemingly very “non woo-woo” fields. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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725: Special Series - Protecting Yourself at Work as an Empath

Empaths! You have a gift at work. You also have an Achilles heel. We dig into how you can use your gifts to your greatest advantage as well as how to stop using your gift in ways that devalue you or get you left out of the important stuff. We’ll talk bosses, coworkers, staff, and all the roles that you’re in or encounter as you navigate your career as an empath. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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BONUS: The Beautifully Broken: An Episode About Hope and Healing with Freddie Kimmel

Today’s episode is a powerful story of hope and healing. Freddie Kimmel’s life exploded when a series of chronic illnesses swept through him. When so many people would give up, instead, he went all in, into a world of alternative therapies and healing that totally transformed his health and life. Now, he guides others in their “What do I do now?!” journey after a diagnosis. Freddie and I talk about how to begin your healing journey, and what can you expect along the way as you heal emotionally, energetically, mentally and spiritually…as well as physically. Find Freddy at and be sure to check out his podcast “The Beautifully Broken.”


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724: Special Series - Underearning Empaths

Get deep with me into why empaths and Highly Sensitive People tend to undervalue and under-earn their truth worth. Let’s break this pattern and use Flow and energy to shatter the ceiling of under-earning. Leave this episode with a definite energy shift and feel confident in reaching your next income level. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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723: The Wild and Wonderful Sisterhood of Weird

Pretend for a second that the weirdest thing about you is the absolute best thing about you. For example, your social anxiety? Golden. Your tendency to overshare? Brilliant! Your fascination with neatly folding all your socks? Incredible. Today we’re going on an exploration in our minds where we look at something we think are positively weird or alienating about ourselves and strive to see it through a whole new lens. If you were the kid who always felt left out, uninvited, made fun of, or otherwise learned to hide parts of yourself…then let’s reclaim them with love and wonder. Today, we play with reframing feelings about yourself so you can see what a treasure you are. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.


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BONUS: Becoming Magnetic: Manifest Deep, Authentic Love with Emyrald Sinclaire

How do you become absolutely magnetic…irresistible to a perfect loving partner? It starts within, at least that’s what my guest Emyrald Sinclaire believes. She’s a love and manifestation coach, and today we pull back the covers on the ease and flow of finding your perfect partner. And if you’re already in a partnership, we’ve got some tips for you, too. Learn about soulmates, masculine and feminine energy, and how your own personal growth journey affects your relationships. Learn more about Emyrald Sinclaire and check out her podcast, Manifest it ALL (Abundance. Love. Life of Your Dreams).
