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KPFA - The Visionary Activist Show

New Age Spirituality Talk

Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.


Berkeley, CA


Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.



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The Visionary Activist Show – Full Moon Tide

“We choose freedom!” Caroline encore welcomes Political Magic ally Pat Ewing, full spectrum strategy, as we honor the Full Moon tide we all be surfing… “The Tide has turned – the Great Storm is coming – but the Tide has turned!” (Gandalf) The post The Visionary Activist Show – Full Moon Tide appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – 5th Act be our task

5th Act be our task Convening all skookum guides to good Earth Citizenship, living and ancestral…. Octavia Butler’s prescient novel “Parable of the Sower” written 1993 begins on the Full Moon, July 21st, 2024 (so we take it from there, weaving Repub convention, strategy for now etc..) – Story re-write to include 5th Act. Michiko Kakutani @michikokakutani former chief book critic, The New York Times; author of “The Great Wave: The Era of Radical Disruption & the Rise of the Outsider,” and “Ex Libris: 100+ Books” Octavia Butler’s 1993 dystopian novel “Parable of the Sower” begins in July of 2024. Climate change is turning the globe into a hellscape with droughts, fires and calamitous weather events. Racial and class inequities have soared, women’s rights are under threat, and white nationalism and radical fundamentalism are taking hold. In the book’s sequel “Parable of the Talents” (published in 1998), a presidential candidate named Jarret, who wants to purge the country of those who don’t share his brand of militant Christianity, issues this call: “Help us to make America great again.” His opponent, Smith, is right when he calls him out as “a demagogue, a rabble-rouser, and a hypocrite.” But Smith is “such a tired, gray shadow of a man,” that Jarret is “able to scare, divide, and bully people” into electing him and quickly sets about implementing his fascist agenda. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – 5th Act be our task appeared first on KPFA.


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The Visionary Activist Show – “Time of Useful Consciousness”

“Time of Useful Consciousness” Earth Citizens Arise! Divination, dedication, political acumen Caroline welcomes return of Pat Ewing, who brings all of the above in her long journey as full service, adaptogenic political strategist in all realms…… Patricia Ewing is the former Deputy Chief of Staff to Vice President Al Gore, Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Harris Wofford (PA), Political Director for Governor Mario Cuomo and Business-to-Business Executive (NYS). During these tenures, she brought business and government together and created programs that were the benefit of both. Today, she helps businesses by combining complementary business sectors, capital raises, and growing relationships to benefit clients. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – “Time of Useful Consciousness” appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Agents of Accountability

“Speak to the Weary – a word that will rouse them” (Isaiah) Let’s all be De-bamboozling Accomplices/Dark o Moon US birthday. So it comes to all of us- To assume cultural narrative lead… To be good Citizens, agents of accountability as sine qua non for democracy… Earth Citizens…. Caroline welcomes these dedications in the human form of Jamie Yeager, mytho*politico*word wizard diagnostician, born into a Texas ACLU populist tradition; Incantational magic to invite in the protectors of democracy, that we all may wake up… Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Agents of Accountability appeared first on KPFA.


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The Visionary Activist Show – Astro Jungian Pre-debate Mythic News Radio

Caroline welcomes forensic, clinical and cardiac psychologist, Steve Parker. Dr. Parker is a Jungian psychologist and stone mason. He lives with his partner, Kornelia Grabinska (a Jungian Analyst), in a birch forest overlooking Fairbanks. He has lived and worked in Alaska for more than forty years, and treasures living on the edge of the wilderness. He has traveled and worked throughout the state, and has been the director of four rural mental health centers. For thirty years he worked as a forensic psychologist, seeing folks at the Fairbanks Memorial Hospital and Fairbanks Correctional Center. He and his partner Kornelia have run a bookstore specializing in Jungian books (Silver Tree Books) and a toy store specializing in Jungian sandplay items (Happy Moose Toys.) They have taught numerous Jungian seminars, and helped start the C. G. Jung Society of Northern Alaska over ten years ago. He has been the webmaster for for many years. He has been dealing with heart issues for twenty years, including a severe heart attack 20 years ago. Out of that heart struggle he has written a book and created a Stone Sanctuary. You can find also him on Facebook at: Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Astro Jungian Pre-debate Mythic News Radio appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications

The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications – Caroline co-riffs with Jerome McGeorge, fellow anarcho*astro*animist, co-founder Organic Valley to and fro, with segments, honoring the Solstice, from our first show, and our last night conversing around the Mid-Summer Night entheo bonfire… …..including message from the Kogi, of Colombia, for us now! with whom Jerome spent much time, and was their guide on their first trip to America… October 20th – Nov 5th, 1999, sponsored by Organic Valley, investigative mission of discovery; bringing messages of wisdom, warning, and mutual aid… Am anchoring Jerome, pulling on his wizard ankles, to keep him in this world…. Tis time for him to receive supportive blessing from the multiverses to which he has contributed so much immeasurable good…and a treasure trove of applied erudition…. wins a best Aries Award! Imbued with the Medicine of seeing deeply, with a kind heart….. Agent of Green Man, Jerome McGeorge is an ally of richly cultivated, playful erudition, longtime organic*bioregional farmer, founding member of Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool (CROPP), the cooperative that is “Organic Valley” …2000 farms! Moon walks the Earth: The Full Moon rises at extreme Southern point of horizon, will travel low to the ground…happens once every 18.6 years….. Solstice Zoom event with Caroline, New Councils, and more at Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Listening to the Ocean

Dissolving the hubris of humans into nutrient for participatory animism….To dispel bad ideas disguised as “energy transition,” Caroline welcomes, long-time-ally, marine acoustician, Michael Stocker…(who is as though the Ocean adopted a human guise to be its voice…) What is the Ocean saying say to us now?! Michael has served as the electronic and musical engineer on the benchmark film “Koyaanisqatsi,” and as a project development engineer for Pax Scientific, working in applied physics and acoustics – exploring how the principles of bio-mimicry can be used in fluid and air movement systems. As founding director of Ocean Conservation Research he is using his fluency in bio-acoustics to explore the impacts of noise on ocean animals to inform ocean policy and practice toward decreasing human bio-acoustic impacts on marine habitats.. Ocean Conservation Research: Michael’s book: Hear Where We Are: Sound, Ecology, and Sense of Place Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Listening to the Ocean appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – New Moon 16+ Gemini

New Moon 16+ Gemini today New Moon 16+ Gemini June 8, 1967 – When Israel attacked the Intelligence ship USS Liberty….. story hushed up… but now, let’s spread widely for Bibi’s visit to DC next week …. Caroline welcomes return of Eddy Nix, who “plays a bookseller in real life and has many projects operating in the dream world. He is founder and operator of Driftless Books and Music in Viroqua, Wi and was a founding teacher at Youth Initiative High School, and has a radio show on community radio station WDRT every Sunday. He identifies as a rhizome, or a verb, depending on circumstances. He has been many other things also.” …that we bring in the myriad voices for democracy, and Elegba to open the path for Truth, and for Leonard Peltier to emerge free June 10th…. The Day Israel Attacked America | Special Series by Al Jazeera Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – New Moon 16+ Gemini appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Visioning Necessary Miracles

Assuming Cultural Narrative Strategic Lead, Visioning Necessary Miracles… Caroline re-welcomes Seán O’Donoghue to Liberating Leonard Peltier, the Supreme Court, Gaza, all wrongfully imprisoned International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee: Case background: Amnesty campaign: The post The Visionary Activist Show – Visioning Necessary Miracles appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Full Moon Pirate Radio

Full Moon Pirate Radio Convening our Back-stage Bureau Chiefs…. Back-Stage Bureau chiefs We cannot live through the dead – but we can invite the best in them to live through us, honoring the late great ally Larry Bensky, indefatigable deeply cultivated radio journalist activist…. and the late David Graeber, whose 2 spendiferous books, “Dawn Of Everything,” (with David Wengrow) and “Pirate Enlightenment – or the Real Libertalia,” as pledge incentives during our fund drive… So that we can be fully informed participatory Earth Citizens, at this “time of Dire Beauty.” Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Full Moon Pirate Radio appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Entheo*Anarcho*Animism

James Fadiman courtesy of Scott Kline Entheo*Anarcho*Animism / Endogenous Indigenuity Caroline is wildly enthused to welcome James Fadiman, PhD Who writes: “The work most worth doing for me has been helping myself and others remember how interwoven we are with the rest of the natural world. Only when we act out a dark fantasy of separation do we harm the very world in which we are enmeshed. Once awakened, exploitation of others, the destruction of any eco- system and that ultimate obscenity – war – all become as impossible to support as it would be to take a hammer and chisel (and) cut off one’s own fingers. My different forms of self-expression: work, writing, photography are parts of who I have been and am. Psychedelic experiences have been the foundation stones of my worldview, as crucial now as when I had my first experience. If it is true, as one tradition suggests, that “God is as close to you as your jugular vein,” knowing that personally should be beneficial.” connects to Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* KPFA in Fund Drive The Psychedelic Exoporer’s Guide = (for a pledge to KPFA of $100) Called “America’s wisest and most respected authority on psychedelics and their use,” James Fadiman has been involved with psychedelic research since the 1960s. The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide addresses the immediate and long-term effects of psychedelic use for spiritual (high dose), therapeutic (moderate dose), and problem-solving (low dose) purposes. Fadiman outlines the best practices for safe, sacred entheogenic voyages learned through his more than 40 years of experience–from the benefits of having a sensitive guide during a session (and how to be one) to the importance of the setting and pre-session intention. James Fadiman reviews the newest as well as the neglected research into the psychotherapeutic value of visionary drug use for increased personal awareness and a host of serious medical conditions, including his recent study of the reasons for and results of psychedelic use among hundreds of students and professionals. He reveals new uses for LSD and other psychedelics, including extremely low doses for improved cognitive functioning and emotional balance. Cautioning that psychedelics are not for everyone, he dispels the myths and misperceptions about psychedelics circulating in textbooks and clinics as well as on the internet. Exploring the life-changing experiences of Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Aldous Huxley, and Huston Smith as well as Francis Crick and Steve Jobs, James Fadiman shows how psychedelics, used wisely, can lead not only to healing but also to scientific breakthroughs and spiritual epiphanies. The post The Visionary Activist Show – Entheo*Anarcho*Animism appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Flowers are better than bullets

As Kent State be humming with crucial pertinence, for us all now, we welcome Laurel Krause, the sister of Allison Krause, who was murdered that day. For the last 20 years Laurel Krause has made her home at the Allison Center for Peace on the Mendocino coast of Northern California. Her sister Allison was one of the ‘Four Dead in Ohio,’ killed as she protested the Vietnam War in the May 4, 1970 Kent State Massacre. On the 40th anniversary, Laurel co-founded the Kent State Truth Tribunal at On Substack, read Laurel’s Peace on the Mendocino Coast and check out her blog MendoCoastCurrent. Image: “Soul Sisters” by artist Roger Ballas, Read about Allison’s message in the painting: The post The Visionary Activist Show – Flowers are better than bullets appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Good Medicine and Rewilding

Caroline welcomes Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue (encore encore) with his ally, Jesse Wolf Hardin, conjurer of the Good Medicine Confluence. Jesse Wolf Hardin is an influential author, ecosopher, ecological and societal activist, personal counsel, graphic artist, musician, and historian – a champion of both human and bio diversity, as well as of nature’s medicines. Wolf was a leading organizer of and presenter for Earth First!, becoming a featured presenter at hundreds of conferences and universities, and was the creator of cross cultural ecospiritual collaborations appropriately called “Medicine Shows” that melded his powerful spoken word with live music, indigenous presenters, and focused activism. He cofounded the international Good Medicine Confluence gathering in 2008, along with the in-depth digital magazine for herbalists, healers and folklorists Plant Healer Quarterly. He is the author of over 800 published articles in over 200 different publications, as well as of over 25 books. Good Medicine Conference: Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue is an herbalist, writer, and teacher, and an initiated Priest in two traditions. He lives in the mountains of western Maine. Seán’s approach to healing weaves together the insights of traditional western herbalism and contemporary science. He regards physical, spiritual, and emotional healing as deeply intertwined. Prior to becoming an herbalist, Seán was a political organizer in movements for peace, human rights, and global economic justice, and a freelance journalist documenting the human and ecological impacts of U.S. policies in Latin America. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more…


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The Visionary Activist Show – Remembering, Re-Storying

Greg Sarris (credit Christopher Coughlin) Caroline re-welcomes Greg Sarris, Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and Board Chair for Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. Always – re-storying the landscape… His most recent work: Told in the classic style of Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok creation stories, The Forgetters story cycle about the people who have forgotten their roots and consequently hurt the Earth and each other. Masterfully infusing magical realism with the history of Indigenous lands, Sarris encourages readers to remember our shared lineage and honor our interconnectedness with the environment. Greg Sarris is the award-winning author of five books, including Grand Avenue, which was adapted into an HBO film. He also co-authored the Graton Rancheria Restoration Act, which restored federal recognition to the Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo Native Americans of California. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Remembering, Re-Storying appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Biomimicry (Replay)

“Biomimicry,” as sine qua non for life on planet… Again we are drawn to replay this most fantabulous show from the archives with Janine Benyus. Benyus describes herself as “Scientist, animist, poet,” founder of Biomimicry Institute. “Let’s learn democracy from bees! Before our arrogance destroys the bees, who truly know how to vote.” “Range voting.” Grief and ingenuity…innovation & limits From Fall 2008 – but so powerfully pertinent to now… The post The Visionary Activist Show – Biomimicry (Replay) appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Anarcho *Entheo * Astro *Animism Radio

Radical Magazine Spiraling forth Liberating Ideas (Moon 4+ Gemini sabian symbol) Anarcho *Entheo * Astro *Animism – Caroline welcomes return of Eddy Nix, who ” plays a bookseller in real life and has many projects operating in the dream world. He is founder and operator of Driftless Books and Music in Viroqua, Wi and was a founding teacher at Youth Initiative High School, and has a radio show on community radio station WDRT every Sunday. He identifies as a rhizome, or a verb, depending on circumstances. He has been many other things also. Post Eclipse magic honoring ancestral mentors: David Graeber, Peter Lamborn Wilson, Kropotkin, anomalous egalitarian city of Teotiohuacan….and the living mentors – Isabel Wilkerson, author of “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent,” – the subject of Ava DuVernay’s profoundly pertinent movie “Origin,” And anything else to guide us at decisive time, that ‘Community’ eclipse ‘Cult’…. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Anarcho *Entheo * Astro *Animism Radio appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Pre-Eclipse Radio

We’re in the Dark o Moon field of April 8th’s eclipse, traditionally a time of laying low, convening back-stage to guide the course of culture…. (Today’s radio guest, unavailable at the last minute, Caroline flys solo, weaving the themes of now) Tis a fluctuating quirky pre-eclipse shadowy field in which we be navigating…. So let’s work with it… Tomorrow, Eclipse magic for dangerous times, Caroline will be joined by the indefatigable Diane Wilson for Eclipse Texas Zoom Council (join by donation) at 2pm eastern / 11am pacific: The post The Visionary Activist Show – Pre-Eclipse Radio appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – March 28, 2024

Caroline hosts her long-time deep joy-ful co-cahooter…. Amikaeyla…..Chantress, drummer, calling in the Orishas, Executive Director / Founder, ICAHSI – International Cultural Arts & Healing Sciences Institute “Amikaeyla Gaston is an amazing vocalist and percussionist who comes from the Washington DC area. She has studied, recorded with, and shared the stage with many award winning artists, including Take 6, Sweet Honey In The Rock, Baba Olatunji, Mickey Hart, Gil Scott Heron, Wyclef, Ubaka Hill, Ferron, Vicki Randle, Linda Tillery, Chris Williamson, and Pete Seeger.” And Me! Amikaeyla organized the upcoming Music As Medicine Festival on April 5th (5-8pm) at EastSide Arts Alliance & April 6th (11-8pm) at Laney College in Oakland, CA. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – March 28, 2024 appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – May Co-operation Eclipse domination

May Co-operation Eclipse domination Caroline welcomes Erica Gies – to guide our rogue species back to collaborative Earth Citizen manners (aka animism)…. by asking “what does water want?” …. Erica Gies is an award-winning independent journalist who writes about water, climate change, plants and critters for Scientific American, The New York Times, Nature, The Atlantic, The Guardian, National Geographic, The Economist, Washington Post, bioGraphic, Wired, and more. Erica is a National Geographic Explorer, served as a staff editor at various publications, and cofounded and edited two environmental news startups, Climate Confidential and This Week in Earth. She has received the Rachel Carson Award for Excellence in Environmental Journalism, lectures at the University of Victoria Southam, and was a finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year Award. Erica is the author of Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge. The book begins by asking a revolutionary question: What does water want? Most modern development has erased water’s slow phases — wetlands, floodplains, high altitude grasslands and forests — that soften flood peaks, store water for droughts, and keep natural systems healthy. What water wants, say water detectives exploring this question, is a kind of un-engineering that reclaims these slow cycles, offering us greater resilience. Water Always Wins website: Erica Gies: Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – May Co-operation Eclipse domination appeared first on KPFA.
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The Visionary Activist Show – Weaving the Themes of Now

St Patrick*Stormy Daniels*Equinox*Eclipse- Caroline re-re-re cahoots with Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue, as the Celtic Car Talk Gaias, with this week’s puzzler (so many) Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue is an herbalist, writer, and teacher, and an initiated Priest in two traditions. He lives in the mountains of western Maine. Seán’s approach to healing weaves together the insights of traditional western herbalism and contemporary science. He regards physical, spiritual, and emotional healing as deeply intertwined. Prior to becoming an herbalist, Seán was a political organizer in movements for peace, human rights, and global economic justice, and a freelance journalist documenting the human and ecological impacts of U.S. policies in Latin America. He grew up near Boston, a short distance from where his great-grandparents first landed when they arrived from Ireland. Since childhood, he has been an avid student of Irish history and folklore. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1996 with a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Themes ($4/month) and more… *Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?* The post The Visionary Activist Show – Weaving the Themes of Now appeared first on KPFA.