United States
There's a lot of misplaced frustration, anger, and hate in the world. But we think you've got it all wrong. Should you be mad? YES! But you're directing that hate at the wrong target. It's time to change that.
Ep. 53 - The IDW: Radicals Or The New Gatekeepers?
Along with special Guest Nick Pecone, Jeff and Tony discuss the Intellectual Dark Web. Are they really a new radical force sweeping the culture, or just a new set of gatekeepers deciding what is respectable?
We also argue about Larry Sharpe's appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience.
Then Nicky P brings us up to date on the Music Modernization Act and the effects it will have on independent artists.
This morphs into a discussion on Intellectual Property, and finally a bit of good-natured...
Ep. 52 - Cody Wilson's Uncertain Future
DWYH is back with the 2nd part of our "So On And So Forth" conversation with Cousin Carmine.
After our recent discussion praising Cody Wilson ( https://www.DontWasteYourHate.com/50 ), we immediately have to do some damage control. Wilson was caught with an underage prostitute, apparently fled to Taiwan, and has since been extradited.
Also discussed, Norm MacDonald's 1984 moment (2 + 2 = 5).
Recorded 9/26/18 - Links BelowABC's summary of Cody Wilson's recent arrest:...
Ep. 51 - Predictions on Kavanaugh
A day before Thursday's hearings with Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, Jeff and Tony sat down for the long-awaited return of "So On And So Forth" with Cousin Carmine. We discuss all the problems with the Kavanaugh accusations.
@RealSaavedra: Here's Andrew Breitbart explaining how Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearings were a life-changing moment for him. This was before the internet was mainstream and before social media existed. People see what Democrats are now doing to Kavanaugh. This won't...
Ep. 50 - All Eyes On Cody Wilson
A controversial figure, Cody Wilson, has been making waves in the media over his 3D printed guns and milling machines.
Jeff and Tony discuss all the implications*
*Since the recording, Wilson has been accused of child sexual assault for having sexual relations with a prostitute for $500. She was under the age of 18. The story is developing.
Recorded 9/16/18 - Show Links Below
The New York Times on the Sexual Assault Charges:...
Ep. 49 - Stop Being Cheap (Rockamora Rant)
Tony flies solo as he rants about McCain, Nike, and cheap libertarians.
Check out Dave Smith's most recent Part of the Problem on John McCain here: https://art19.com/shows/part-of-the-problem/episodes/035efb89-2761-4209-aaf3-59ab82427ab9
Support the show at : https://www.dontwasteyourhate.com/amazon
Ep. 48 - Medieval Peasants Live Better Than You
Jeff and Tony discuss a variety of topics:
-Aretha Franklin Passes Away: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/obituaries/aretha-franklin-dead.html
-The Jersey Shore is Flooded: https://www.app.com/story/news/local/emergencies/2018/08/16/no-evidence-new-parkway-exit-caused-flood-brick-freeholder-says/1006140002/
-Medieval Serfs have more leisure time than modern Americans: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7017447/average-american-holiday-medieval-economist/
-Alex Jones and others are...
Ep. 47 - BONUS - State of the Libertarian Union Talk Show July 2018
Check out our video version: https://youtu.be/CaAhpLJFm2w
Here’s the July edition of the State of the Libertarian Talk Show. We discuss the newest member, the Happy Libertarian as well as developments in the Libertarian Party with the influx of “thin” libertarians, and we also talk about some recent police violence.
Give a listen on YouTube or wherever podcasts are sold. Also, if you’d like, you can leave us a message using anchor.fm, look for us there to submit your questions or...
Ep. 46 - Trump Bows To Russian Overlord
Trump and Putin have some alone-time. The Libertarian Party has some illustrious new members. Everyone is Racist. Jeff and Tony Discuss.
Recorded 7/18/18 - Show Links Below
Check out Tony's Appearance on the Out Of Order Podcast with James Kaleda: http://outoforderjameskaleda.com/tony/
Look out for Liberty Weekly's analysis on Wild Wild Country: http://libertyweekly.net/liberty-weekly-summer-special-wild-wild-country
Fifth Column with Thaddeus Russell and Radley Balko:...
Ep. 45 - InCels: A Brief Look
Cousin Dylan joins DWYH to discuss his foray into the online InCel (involuntary celibate) community. We go beyond the surface level understanding, discussing the different subgroups of the movement. It is a painful reality that many young men feel they have no chance to ever have an intimate relationship with a woman.
Also discussed: Ron Paul staffer makes a huge mistake by tweeting a racially insensitive image. A young socialists has a big victory on the way to Congress. Jordan Peterson...
Ep. 44 - SCOTUS - Big Win Against Public Unions
Jeff and Tony are back. First on the docket is the latest Supreme Court decision, which will now stop public unions from forcing non-members to pay fees.
We also cover the showdown of Rand Paul vs. Lindsay Graham (see YouTube video below).
Other issues discussed: Trump's plan to slash and consolidate a bunch of federal agencies, police shootings, and Jocko Willink.
Recorded 6/27/18 - Show Links Below
Check out Rand Paul vs. Terrible Lindsay Graham:...
Ep. 43 - Anthony Bourdain Dead - Along With 4600 Puerto Ricans
Jeff and Tony return to discuss current events.
We talk landscaping, hiring employees, our recent trip to Manhattan, the insane death toll in Puerto Rico, and Anthony Bourdain's suicide.
Show Notes Below - Recorded 6/8/18
Puerto Rico's Death Toll Rised: https://theconversation.com/why-puerto-ricos-death-toll-from-hurricane-maria-is-so-much-higher-than-officials-thought-97488
Check out Bourdain's Classic, Kitchen Confidential: https://amzn.to/2y6BMOQ
Ep. 42 - Sports Betting Coming To A Town Near You?
Jeff and Tony are back to discuss sports gambling and all things vice-related
Atlantic City to lead in the pot industry?: http://www.njbiz.com/article/20180509/NJBIZ01/180509789/atlantic-city-officials-embark-on-new-era
Betting on sports at the racetrack: http://www.njbiz.com/article/20180515/NJBIZ01/180519885/monmouth-park-to-offer-sports-betting-may-28
The story of the Silk Road and the aftermath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GRyquXjXcc
Ep. 41 - Liberty In California: An Uphill Battle
Josh Ferguson joins Tony to discuss California politics. Josh is currently running as a candidate in the recall election of California's 29th Senate District.
We discuss the myriad problems in the Golden State, including the high speed bullet train boondoggle and the State of Jefferson movement.
Recorded 5/3/18 - Show Notes Below
Give Josh Your Support: http://www.VoteYesVoteJosh.com
Check out the Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/VoteYesVoteJosh/
Dive Deep into Cali Politics:...
Ep. 40 - About That Libertarian To Alt-Right Pipeline....
Tony talks with Joey, aka The Mad Philosopher about his ideological journey. He started as a child reading Aristotle, then became a devout Trotskyite Marxist, then Anarcho-Capitalist, and finally Alt-Right.
This is a journey to understand the thought process behind his evolution, and a window into the thinking of someone on the Alt-Right. After this conversation, it should be clear that the "Libertarian to Alt-Right Pipeline" is a very real thing, at least for some portion of...
Ep. 39 - A Wee Bit Of Scottish Liberty w/ Sammeroff and Laird
Antony Sammeroff and Tom Laird join DWYH to discuss Syria, Trump, Brexit, 3D Printers, South Africa, and more.
Show Links Below - Recorded 4/12/18
Check out the Scottish Liberty Podcast Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDX90hZy28U5dZHi14AG3Ow
Antony's "Why Do Markets Work?": https://youtu.be/kRjwgd2jdIs
The Thick Of It, recommended by Tom: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0459159/
Get Dear Reader By Michael Malice: https://amzn.to/2qGYCGM
Check out the last time Antony was...
Ep. 38 - How Can The Libertarian Party Succeed? w/ Alex Merced
Alex Merced joins DWYH to discuss the future of the Libertarian Party.
Having run for public office in NYC last year, Alex is now running to replace the controversial and detrimental Arvin Vohra as the LNC Vice Chair.
Although we are not in love with politics, Alex is one of the good guys. If there was ever a moment to pay attention to the Libertarian Party, now would be a good time. With Joshua Smith and Alex Merced at the helm, the LP will be worth supporting.
Show Links Below
Ep. 37 - Where Sam Harris And Christian Picciolini Get It Wrong
Tony joins Trey of Subversion Webcast to dissect Sam Harris' recent conversation on White Power.
Christian Picciolini is a former white supremacist with a violent past. Over time, he saw the error of his ways, and now works to reform young men in the white power movement.
Trey and Tony take issue with some of the views and conclusions of both Harris and Picciolini.
Topics discussed: Mainstream Media, Stefan Molyneux, Alt Right, the Russia narrative, and white privilege/white...
Ep. 36 - BONUS: State of The Libertarian Union - March 2018
We bring you our conversation with fellow members of the Libertarian Union.
Sorry about Tony's bad audio. The webcam mic was being used accidentally :-(
Support the show: https://www.dontwasteyourhate.com/support
Daniel Elwood and Robert Johnson: http://www.actualanarchy.com
Patrick MacFarlane: http://www.libertyweekly.net
Trey Weaver: http://www.subversionwebcast.com
Kyle Anzalone: http://www.foreignpolicyfocus.libsyn.com
Check out at all the shows: http://www.libertarianunion.com
Ep. 35 Count Dankula Convicted | Free Speech Dealt A Blow
Jeff and Tony discuss free speech after a Scottish court found Count Dankula guilty of a hate crime. Dankula posted a video which, at worst, was just a tasteless joke. Yet, he may spend up to 6 months in prison depending on the sentence handed down. This is just the latest in the UK's recent crackdowns, which appear to be politcally motivated.
We then discuss FOSTA, a new law which could amount to a war on sex workers.
Recorded 3/22/18 - Links Below
Click here to support Joshua Smith for...
Ep. 34 - Joshua Smith For LNC Chair - Libertarian Party
Joshua Smith joins DWYH to discuss his run for the Libertarian National Committee Chair position. Josh has been contributing to the liberty movement in various ways through the years. We discuss multiple topics, such as Josh's political evolution and his plans for the Libertarian Party.
Recorded 3/15/18 - Links Below
Help Josh get to the LP State Convention in NJ. Donate here: http://www.joshuasmith4lnc.com/
Click here to check out Think Liberty: http://www.think-liberty.com/
Check out...