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The Alex Pierson Show


The Alex Pierson show is an in-depth, no-nonsense look at the stories making headlines. Alex has more than 20 years in the field and behind an anchor desk, and is known and respected for her tough reporting style and accountability. Join the daily conversation with the Alex Pierson Show, and never miss an important story again.


Richmond Hill, ON




The Alex Pierson show is an in-depth, no-nonsense look at the stories making headlines. Alex has more than 20 years in the field and behind an anchor desk, and is known and respected for her tough reporting style and accountability. Join the daily conversation with the Alex Pierson Show, and never miss an important story again.



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Swapping Airports for Parks, Caught Cheating...Poorly, And The Fall of The "Bread Cartel"

On this episode of The Alex Pierson Podcast, our host Alex first starts off the conversation with some new and odd information out of Toronto's city council. Members of the council are attempting to proposed that after the lease ends for Billy Bishop Airport, we should raze the facility and replace it with a new park. Alex is joined by the CEO and President of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Daniel Tisch about why the business community is rising to fight this. Next, Alex is joined by the Asst. Professor in Sports Management at Brock University, Taylor McKee. Taylor and Alex look into the shameful failure of Canada being caught spying on the New Zealand women's team before their preliminary match. Taylor suggests that this could taint our team and the country's reputation. And finally, Sylvain Charlebois director of the agri-food analytics lab at Dalhousie University comes on to explain why Loblaws could FINALLY be facing a penalty for its bread price-fixing scheme 14 years ago...but why it's still far from over...or enough/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Blacklock's Check-In: Schoolchildren to identify the Conservative Party with bigots? What a doozy!

Alex Pierson speaks with Tom Korski, the Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter about a taxpayer-funded guidebook instructing schoolchildren to identify the Conservative Party with bigots was approved by then-Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen's office, Bank of Canada analysts yesterday disputed cabinet claims immigration is an immediate net benefit to the country, Canada's Consul General in New York City will have to explain the government's decision to buy a $9-million condo in Manhattan's famous ''Billionaries' Row,'' to a parliamentary committee. All this and more! GUEST: Tom Korski - Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter X(formerly Twitter): @mindingottawa Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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New Time For The Gardiner, Health Reform Now & Lower Interest Rates!

On this episode of The Alex Pierson Podcast, our host Alex Pierson first talks about something many people who live in the GTA will want to hear... the province is stepping in and helping the city accelerate the major repairs needed on the Gardiner. Provincial Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria joined Alex to talk about why the province got involved, how they plan to keep contractors on the promised timeline and how much time this could save Ontarians. Next, Alex speaks with the President and CEO of SecondStreet Colin Craig about his new documentary "Health Reform Now"! Colin and Alex talk about why this free documentary was made, what state our healthcare system is in and what we can change ASAP to help all Canadians live better lives. And finally, Canadians were given a small glimmer of hope...The Bank of Canada has once again lowered interest rates! But is that enough for people to feel relief? So Alex had Mark Borkowski, the co-founder and president of Mercantile Mergers & Acquisitions about what this could mean for the stock and real estate markets...and for Canadians bank accounts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Blacklock's Check-In: ''We are getting close,'' Jagmeet Singh said yesterday.

Alex Pierson speaks with Tom Korski, the Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter about New Democrats are now election-ready, Jagmeet Singh said yesterday, ''we are getting close,'' Cabinet was willing to ''use all tools at our disposal'' under its drug policy including ''national decriminalization,'' says a federal document, and Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc's department is refusing comment over its hiring of forensic auditors to assess risk of a ''national compensation program.'' All this and more! GUEST: Tom Korski - Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter X(formerly Twitter): @mindingottawa Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Biden Is Finally Out...So Can Kamala Win?

Alex speaks with an old friend of the show, Warren Kinsella. Warren is the president of The Daisy Group and a public Joe Biden supporter. Alex and Warren talk about why the current President took so long to finally announce he's backing out of the presidential campaign, what kind of uphill battle Kamala Harris could face, and if this move will be enough to help the Democrats win the election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Suing The Canadian Government, & Biden Is Out, Kamala is In...But Can It Save Democrats?

On this episode of The Alex Pierson Podcast, our host Alex Pierson first starts off examining a new ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada that defines how the government can be held liable for enacting laws found to be unconstitutional. But who can benefit from this ruling, and how much trouble could this be for the government? Christine Van Geyn, the litigation director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation joined Alex to help explain exactly what this means, and how people caught up in the Emergency Act might want to be aware of this ruling. Next, Alex speaks with an old friend of the show, Warren Kinsella. Warren is the president of The Daisy Group and a public Joe Biden supporter. Alex and Warren talk about why the current President took so long to finally announce he's backing out of the presidential campaign, what kind of uphill battle Kamala Harris could face, and if this move will be enough to help the Democrats win the election. And finally, in light of all that's going on in the U.S., Alex speaks with America's former ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman. Ambassador Heyman and Alex talk about the health and mental state of President Biden, if this announcement will shake up even more fears in the Democrats having a hold of the country, and what he sees for the future of his country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Should We Cancel "Cancel Culture"?

Guest host Adam Zivo is joined by someone who staunchly stands against Cancel Culture, David Lewis-Peart. David was formerly a professor at both Sheridan & George Brown College & currently works as a social worker. David and Adam discuss why people are so quick to lean into cancel culture, why it can be useful and dangerous, and ultimately how would we go about cancelling cancel culture. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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If J.D. Vance Becomes VP, Should Ukraine & Taiwan Worry?

In light of J.D. Vance accepting the nomination to be Trump's Vice-President, guest host Adam Zivo decides to look into his past and how he's historically voted in regards to foreign policy. To do this, Adam is joined by Marcus Kolga, Sr. Fellow at Macdonald-Laurier Institute Centre for Advancing Canada’s Interests Abroad & the Director of DisInfoWatch. Marcus and Adam explore why J.D. Vance may want to pull American support away from Ukraine, and why he's said that Taiwan should be paying for its protection. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Dr. Accused Of Conflating Safe Supply Damage Fully Vindicated!

Our guest host Adam Zivo is joined by the doctor who has been warning about the dangers of safe supply and it being diverted to fuel the illicit market, Dr. Sharon Koivu. Dr. Koivu and Adam talk about why she doesn't like to use the term "safe" supply, why the safeguards are not enough to ensure public safety and how she feels about being proven right after years of being told she was wrong. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Blacklock's Check-In: The ''Other Randy'' Scandal

Guest host, Adam Zivo speaks with Tom Korski, the Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter about Whistleblower leaks to reporters hurt democracy, complains the Department of Immigration. Managers are telling employees to send complaints to an ''anonymous'' line acknowledged media were bound to hear it anyway, Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault's business partner has admitted he lied to reporters about company dealings. All this and more! GUEST: Tom Korski - Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter X(formerly Twitter): @mindingottawa Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Blacklock's Check-In: ''This political climate is ''scary,'' Jagmeet Singh said yesterday

Host Alex Pierson speaks with Tom Korski, the Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter about New Democratic leader Jagmeet Singh yesterday called the political climate ''scary,'' The Canada Revenue Agency says it has ''no records'' divulging who made an $8 billion mistake in mismanaging a pandemic relief program, all this and more! GUEST: Tom Korski - Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter X(formerly Twitter): @mindingottawa Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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New Places For Liqour, Will Trudeau Make A "Secret Shuffle" & The Ongoing Struggle for Restaurants

On this episode of The Alex Pierson Podcast, our host Alex Pierson first starts off speaking with JP Hornick, the president of OPSEU...the union representing LCBO workers. Alex talks with JP about the new regulations the province has introduced that will make it easier for consumers to purchase booze...and how it could affect ongoing negotiations with the province. Next, Alex is joined by an old friend, John Mraz, a former war room director for the Liberal party. Alex and John look at the Trudeau Liberals, and if the Prime Minister will take advantage of all the chaos and attention on Trump to quietly shuffle around ministers in his cabinet...and if it could even save the liberals. And finally, Alex is joined once again by Regan Irvine, the owner of Irv & Co. Regan tells Alex just how difficult and busy the past weekend was with dwindling alcohol supplies, and why he thinks this strike needs to end ASAP if we don't want to see more in the hospitality industry struggle, or even shutter their shops. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Polievre: Democracy MUST Prevail

Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre stopped by the AM640 Studios to sit down and chat with Alex Pierson. In light of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Poilievre tells Alex why Canada cannot let our politics become as divisive, why he has no remorse for being happy the shooter himself was shot and killed, and why he won't back away from "respectfully" criticizing the liberal government. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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What Happened At Trump Rally And How Did A Shooter Get In At All?

For the first time in 43 years there has been an assassination attempt on a former president of the United States, presidential candidate Donald Trump. But how did the shooter gain access to the rooftop, where was the secret service and why did the Counter-Snipers take so long to take the shooter out? These are all questions circulating amongst the public, and Alex Pierson speaks with someone who is not only familiar with security details, but also a man who previously was security for US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Wayne Black is the current President of Wayne Black & Associates, and tells Alex why these situations aren't always as black and white as the public may believe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Introducing... Dark Poutine | The Quakers and The Killers: The Murder of Peter Lazier

Episode 294: On the evening of December 21, 1883, near Bloomfield, Ontario, visitor Peter Lazier was murdered by two intruders at the farmhouse of Quakers Gilbert and Margaret Jones. The community, deeply affected, quickly organized a search. They traced footprints in the snow, leading to Joseph Thomset and the Lowder family's homes near West Lake. By the next day, Joseph Thomset and brothers David and George Lowder were arrested and charged with murder. The legal process moved rapidly. The coroner's inquest began the next day, followed by formal proceedings within a week. The trial, held at the Prince Edward County Courthouse in Picton just five months later, suggested the motive was robbery, aimed at stealing the $555 Gilbert Jones earned from selling hops. George Lowder and Joseph Thomset were found guilty of murder and hanged in June of 1884. Many felt justice was served, but others believed the law got it wrong, acting hastily without sufficient evidence. Sources: Prince Edward County The Canadian Encyclopedia | Quakers The Lazier Murder: Prince Edward County, 1884 — Robert J. Sharpe The Kingston Whig-Standard 24 Dec 1883, page 2 Ottawa Daily Citizen 24 Dec 1883, page 1 Manitoba Weekly Free Press 15 May 1884, page 2 The Lazier murder trial of 1884 – did they get the right men? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Kids Are Not Alright, And We Really Need To Do Something About It

Alex Pierson speaks with the Dean At Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University & Author of “America the Beautiful and Violent: Black Youth and Neighborhood Violence in Chicago” Professor Dexter Voison. Dexter and Alex dive into the stats that show youth firearm arrests skyrocketed 161% in just a two-year span! Dexter talks about what programs the City of Chicago used to attempt to deal with its similar situation, why there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and why this is even happening in the first place. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mayor Chow Says She Grades Herself A "B"

To celebrate her 1 year anniversary as Mayor, Olivia Chow joins Alex Pierson in-studio for an interview! Mayor Chow and Alex talk about what grade the mayor would give herself, major issues of traffic and construction and the rise of violence in the city. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Trudeau Promises Billions in Defence Spending, But Will it Be Enough For NATO?

Prime Minister Trudeau has returned from his NATO summit with a new plan for Canada to reach its 2% GDP defence spending target, which includes billions of dollars towards buying new subs, modernizing our military and so forth...but how can we afford this...and will it actually come true? Alex Pierson sits down with the perfect guest for this, Vice-Admiral (Ret'd) Mark Norman who previously served as the Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff for the Canadian Armed Forces. Vice-Admirial Norman and Alex discuss why NATO members are pressuring the Prime Minsiter to increase the spending, and just how quickly this plan can get derailed if another government takes power next election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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UofT Gives Secret Amnesty To Protesters!

It has been revealed that the University of Toronto signed an amnesty agreement with the pro-Palestine protesters who had an encampment on the University for over 2 months! So why offer this deal at all? Our host Alex Pierson is joined by Warren Kinsella, the president of the Daisy Group who has been following this encampment since it was first established. Warren and Alex talk about who really came out ahead with this agreement, and how it could be seen as solidifying hate on the campus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Blacklock's Check-In: ''Baby Boomers Have F-ed This Planet!''

Host Alex Pierson speaks with Tom Korski, the Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter about old and cranky Green Party Leader, Elizabeth May says she will save the F-en planet all by herself, Cabinet yesterday said it's starting over on equipping a new submarine fleet after spending $3 billion on second-hand vessels that spent more time undergoing repairs than at sea, the RCMP yesterday appealed for tips from Chinese Canadians after confirming an investigation into election inference. All this and more! GUEST: Tom Korski - Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter X(formerly Twitter): @mindingottawa Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
