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The What Cast


An independent little podcast where we discuss bizarre, strange and supernatural stories, old and new. Cryptozoology, OOPARTS, UFOs and more. WE SAY BAD WORDS


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An independent little podcast where we discuss bizarre, strange and supernatural stories, old and new. Cryptozoology, OOPARTS, UFOs and more. WE SAY BAD WORDS





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The What Cast #468 - The Peruvian Mummies Are Real

ahhh. Wee mummies. Found all over the world. All turned out to made of Paper Mache and chicken bones. Until now. The mini mummies from Peru have been in and out of the news for a while now. Well they are back. A new set of tests and examinations have revealed a shocking truth: We aint never been alone, sucka. thanks for listening!!!


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The What Cast #467 - Zimbabwe Goblin Attacks

Goblins seem to be popping up all over the place. It’s like Middle Earth in the modern world! In parts of Zimbabwe, it seems that the little green bastards are getting particularly bold in their attacks. We have recent stories of schools and a police station getting shut down due to goblin infestations. After doing a bit of digging, it seems that this is nothing new. Is Zimbabwe actually Mordor?! Should we start worrying about a dark tower and flaming eye? thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #466 - Strange Encounters: A Bird and an Alien

What do giant living bird pinatas and alien pranksters have in common? Not much, to be honest, other than that's what we are talking about this week. Listen in amazement as Mateo brings us the strange tale of a man that was accosted by a polite, yet persistent wooden bird creature thing. GASP! Marvel as Mike relates the story of 2 police officers and their unbelievable encounter with a prankster that's out of this world! thanks for listening! Be Safe! www.Thewhatcast,com if you hate adds and love monthly exclucive stickers head to out Patreon and check out the bonus stuff and Sticker Club!


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The What Cast #465 - The Allagash Abduction

For any long-time fans of Unsolved Mysteries, you’re likely familiar with the Allagash Abduction case. It’s a classic case that we haven’t covered yet, so we wanted to delve into it a bit. While the original presentation by Unsolved Mysteries was pretty compelling, it seems there have been some red flags raised in the years since. What do you think? Is this an authentic recollection of a genuine alien abduction, or was this merely the dilussions of a traumatized brain, bolstered by poor hypnosis?


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The What Cast #464 - Sweden's Little Man

5/31/2024 Thank you for listening!!!!!


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The What Cast #463 - Random Weirdness 3

Thanks for istening everyone! Have a great weekend!


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The What Cast #462 - More Sea Monsters

You guys have heard of the Abominable Snowman, right? The legendary Yeti of the Himalaya’s. The Bumble that bounces (Bumbles always bounce!). What if I told you that there is an underwater Abominable Snowman, but it has nothing to do with snow or they Yeti? To be completely honest, there is absolutely nothing about this underwater cryptid that even resembles the lovable bumble. Why was it even called an aquatic Abominable Snowman anydamnway?! Mateo offers a possible explanation, but I don’t know if Mike is buying it.


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The What Cast #461 - Kona Blue

As promised, we’ve returned for the 2nd episode this week! A day or 2 after we recorded the previous episode, information started to come out regarding a declassified proposal for another Government UAP program called Kona Blue. There was a lot of things that overlapped with our previous episode, so we decided to get right back on the What Cast horse and talk about it. So this is us discussing Kona Blue, Government projects, and veering off into other digressions. Thanks for checking us out!


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The What Cast #460 - They Come From The Water

Yes, after almost a century, we’ve finally returned! Not only that, but we’re gonna put out 2 episodes this week! For the first of this 2-episode extravaganza, we begin with a nice looooooooooong detour discussing comic books. I promise you, this is NOT a comic book episode. We get into the weird shit, but it’s been a while. We had to take a minute (or 86) and nerd out. Once we get that out of our systems, Mike gets into some recent UFO sightings, a strange ocean anomaly, and the testimony from an anonymous whistleblower talking about what he learned during his time on a UFO crash retrieval team. The second part will be the second part and I’ll tell you about that when we get there. Simmer down and enjoy the ride, we’ve got a lot to discuss! Alien Ocean Particles: Mikes going on vacation:


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The What Cast #459 - Wolf 424 and The Umites

Hey folks! This week we cover the mystirois raido signal Wolf 424 who some claim was actually a raido transmition from a race of aliens called the Umites. Whaat? Dont believe us? What if there were reports from the aliens? Phone calls? Letters? Yeah?! HOW ABOUT THAT?! Thank you for listening and stay safe. Just a heads up, Mateo has more medical stuff planed for next month so we may slow down a little but if you miss our half baked, dorky voices please consider checking out or Patreon where we have a ton of exclucove episodes to listen too!


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The What Cast #458 - Goblin King: The Wizard Of Yester

It’s well documented that we love wizards on this show. We also have a great fondness for goblins. It’s time we combine these two loves and get down to talking about the Wizard of Yester and the Goblin Hall? Was the Yester Castle the Scottish equivalent to Solomon’s Temple? Was powerful magic used to force demonic entities to build a fortress for their master? Is there an army of ghostly goblins that still haunt the chamber under the ruins of the old Castle? Yes.Yes. Probably. Thanks for listening! We know we are draggin ass. Lots of doc appointments. Results were worse than we thought. We will right as rain soon. Thanks for sticking with us .Blobigator:


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Bonus Episode - The Quick And The Weird: AI Media: We Are Screwed

Monsters Human Sora


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The What Cast #457 - Dog Man Attack Cover Ups

Alien cover-ups are common place in our area of interest. Many conspiracy theories are based off of this assumption. What if this sort of cover-up is not just limited to aliens and UFOs? What if the government is actively covering up violent attacks perpetrated by a group of bloodthirsty monsters? This week we take a look at a few cases involving fatal attacks by an unknown animal or animals…or perhaps these unfortunate souls met their end at the clawed hands of a dogman! Thanks for listening!!


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The What Cast #456 - Sea Monster Kills 4

Hey folks! This week we ponder the possibility of a real life seam monster attack. Sure, a lot of sea monster encounters ARE considered attacks but in actuality, some people got a good scare. We are talking an actual attack. Were people died. 5 go in the water and one comes out. Could this be real? Did someone kill their friends at sea? You be the judge.


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The What Cast #455 - Giant Sea Blobs

Remember that movie The Blob? The one with the alien blob monster that absorbs and eats people, growing larger after every meal? Sure it might seem schlocky by today’s standards, but at the core, it is a genuinely terrifying idea. With that in mind, this week we take a look at a few different sightings of gargantuan underwater blobs that display some rather odd behavior and abilities. Are these giant jellyfish? Shoggoths? Alien blob monsters? Or maybe just made up sea stories. Mariners are known for the penchant for embellishment, afterall.


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The What Cast #454 - Beasts Of Winter

It’s cold. Everything is freezing and dead and it sucks. You know what would make winter suck even worse? Friggin’ snow monsters, that’s what! As a way to celebrate/mourn/come to terms with winter, we decided to dig into some creepy creatures that call the Frozen Wastes of Winter their home. Bundle up, grab some hot cocoa, and pull up a seat near the fire. We’re about to chill. thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #453 - 2023: Year Of The Ufo

2023 seems to have been the year of the big UFO disclosure tease. Now that the year is over, we discuss some of the revelationss that have come out this year and speculate on the truth of the phenomenon, and what the future holds for disclosure on the matter of UFOs/UAPs. Happy New Year, everyone!


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The What Cast #452 - Urban Legends: Resurrection Mary

It's always a great time talking about urban legends. There always seems to be an air of nostalgia whenever these tales come up. It really takes you back to being a kid, when there was still adventure and wonder in the world. This week we get into some urban legends, and even take a deep dive into the phantom hitchhiker stories. Thanks for listening!!!


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The What Cast #451 - Non Human Men In Black

In the past, we’ve talked at length about the Men in Black and the scare tactics they employ in order to silence UFO witnesses. This week, we decided to take a look at one of the more bizarre cases of MIB contact. Was John Stuart getting so close to the truth in his research on UFOs that the Men in Black had to silence him? Or, maybe he was a man so overcome with guilt that he had a mental breakdown resulting in an imagined reality. thanks for listening!


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The What Cast #450 - Living Prehistoric Beasts

The dinosaurs are still alive, people! Or maybe they are ghosts…Could be time travelers, I suppose. Listen. No matter what way you slice it, there are reports of dinosaurs among us on the planet. Not just dinosaurs, but all manner of prehistoric beasties. You want a T-Rex? Getchoo some! You want a gigantor constrictor snake? You got it, buddy! Hey, how’s about an inconceivably large ocean dwelling centipede? Is that a bridge to far? This week we get into some of the stranger cases of prehistoric life living on modern day Earth.
