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UNSAFE with Ann Coulter


Ann Coulter, author of 13 New York Times bestsellers, chats about politics, religion, war, crime, history, sex, race, soccer (even real sports!) — all the things we’re told it’s impolite to raise in polite company. Coulter’s UNSAFE podcast is the Rapid Response Team to the Democratic Party and its subsidiaries, the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, et al — as well as 90 percent of the Republican Party. Listen here first – and be 3 days ahead of all the cable news channel hosts, who will undoubtedly be listening too. Subscribe to Ann's Substack: anncoulter.substack.com


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Ann Coulter, author of 13 New York Times bestsellers, chats about politics, religion, war, crime, history, sex, race, soccer (even real sports!) — all the things we’re told it’s impolite to raise in polite company. Coulter’s UNSAFE podcast is the Rapid Response Team to the Democratic Party and its subsidiaries, the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, et al — as well as 90 percent of the Republican Party. Listen here first – and be 3 days ahead of all the cable news channel hosts, who will undoubtedly be listening too. Subscribe to Ann's Substack: anncoulter.substack.com



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What You Need to Know - Week of July 22, 2024

Joe Biden calling it quits would normally lead the way but that's only one of Ann's five things for the week.


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What You Need to Know - Week of July 15, 2024

The events of the past weekend dominate the discussion. Our five things for today: Morning JoeNote: This episode was recorded right before Trump's announcement of Sen. JD Vance (R - OH) as his 2024 running mate.


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What You Need to Know - Week of July 8, 2024

The fallout from the CNN Trump-Biden debate continues as the current POTUS attempts damage control with friendly interviews with ABC's George Stephanopoulos and MSNBC's Morning Joe. But instead of cleaning things up, Biden comes across like an angry drunk reading from a script. What are the Democrats going to do? Lloyd Doggett (D - TX37) has led the Congressional chorus asking Biden to step aside. But if Biden is the question, is Kamala the answer? Plus, campaign advice for Trump and a look at the sudden left turn in France.


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What You Need to Know - Week of July 1, 2024

The Supreme Court term has finally come to end with the issuance of the last opinions - including the most consequential: Trump v United States. Ann reviews that plus three opinions issued late last week, including the overturning of the Chevron deference, the January 6th obstruction charges and the "homeless" case (City of Grants Pass v Johnson). Finally, Ann looks for coherence from President Biden in the transcript of last week's debate and comes up empty. Where do the Democrats go from here? Opening sound: Jonathan Turley reacts to the immunity decision on Fox News Channel.


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They're NOT Listening

Ryan Girdusky, co-author of the new book, They're Not Listening: How The Elites Created the National Populist Revolution, joins Ann to discuss the recent EU elections and young people in Europe are shifting right.


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What You Need to Know - Week of June 24, 2024

This week: Billionaire slavery in Switzerland


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Everything You Think You Know About Pot is Wrong

Ann's interview with Kevin Sabet, drug policy advisor to both the Bush and Obama administrations. Show links: Marijuana Reclassification Puts Politics and Profits Ahead of Public HealthMarijuana ReschedulingSmart Approaches to MarijuanaSmokescreen


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Unsafe Weekly - June 17, 2024

Introducing the Unsafe Weekly with Ann Coulter! Start your week off with the stories Ann found interesting or amusing over the weekend, exclusively from Ricochet.com. This week:


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"Special Victim Status: The Era Of Woke Journalism"

Show links: gmantell.comYouTube Channel


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Scott Adams' View of the World

Ann talks with the "Dilbert" creator about diversity, Covid, global warming, the art of persuasion and bat-guano crazy women. Show Links: Real Coffee with Scott AdamsFind out what happened to Dilbert


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All the Rules Have Disappeared

Ann and podcast regular Mickey Kaus discuss campus protests, Ukraine aid, Weinstein, Cosby, Trump's VP and more! Mostly, they disagree. Show topics:


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Peter Thiel and Liberalism's Slow Funeral

The second part of Ann's interview with Peter Thiel. Show links: Accelerating Innovation: The Impact Of The Thiel FellowshipSoul Suck: Ex-lawyers dish on why they ditched their jobsNo White Faculty Allowed


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Peter Thiel Brings Down Gawker

Ann sits down with Peter Thiel, Chairman of Palantir, the co-founder of PayPal and the first major outside investor in Facebook. In May of 2016, Theil admitted to the New York Times that he financed Terry Bollea's (aka, Hulk Hogan) lawsuit against Gawker Media. Here, in part one of Ann's two-part interview, Thiel goes into great detail on the background story of bringing down one of the internet's biggest sleaze merchants.


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Return of Ryan Girdusky

Show links: 1776 Project PACAppointment of Zakiya Carr Johnson as the Department’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion OfficerHauling more Latin Americans into our country at your expenseAbortion in Florida: Democratic candidates just got a boost for 2024Immigration Surges to Top of Most Important Problem ListRep. Bob Good Republicans: Please remember when the “Tea Party” gave us Dem majorities and ObamaCare with candidates like Christine O’Donnell, Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. Here are my Tips for Republican Voters: 1) No elected Republican will do everything you want. Don’t run off and instigate an ugly, rancorous, and expensive primary against an incumbent Republican in order to modestly improve the candidate, and very possibly lose the seat. 2) The only exception to Tip No. 1 is that you must destroy any elected Republican who pretends to be a Republican, but then tries to lose every single issue, across the board, by giving the Democrats 30 million new voters with amnesty. 3) Learn to rely on facts and don’t get swept up in group-think slogans about “establishment Republicans.” Otherwise, boy, will your face be red when you realize you were the one fighting for the establishment Republicans! (Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum and Paul Ryan--all of whom support amnesty). BONUS! Tips for Democrats: 1) Be sure your primaries include lots of candidates who will never be the nominee. You don’t want your base getting too focused on the actual purpose of the exercise. 2) Hold 312 primary debates. We Republicans find that lots of debates encourage attention-seekers and nuts to throw their hat in the ring. 3) Extend your primaries through July, or at least June, especially when running against an incumbent president. It really keeps the nominee on his toes to have only three months to campaign against a candidate who’s been campaigning for four years.


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The Return of Bill Schulz

Show Links: What Is Antisemitism? A Columbia Task Force Would Rather Not Say.Is New York Better Off Than It Was 7 Years Ago? New Yorkers Say No.The Psychedelic EvangelistOne Twin Was Hurt, the Other Was Not. Their Adult Mental Health Diverged.I'm a Sociopath, Like Millions of OthersWe pay our gym to let us work out naked — it’s helped us get fitter Modified Limited Hangout -The phrase was coined in the following exchange: PRESIDENT NIXON: You think, you think we want to, want to go this route now? And the – let it hang out, so to speak? DEAN: Well, it's, it isn't really that – HALDEMAN: It's a limited hang out. DEAN: It's a limited hang out. EHRLICHMAN: It's a modified limited hang out.


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Gavin McInnes

Proud Boys Founder on the Road to Cancellation Show links: Gavin McInnes’s Censored TVShut Down Ann Coulter!The Edge of Hip: Vice, the Brand


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Immigration, Immigration, Immigration (and Drugs)

Ann argues with the smartest, most articulate proponent of libertarianism: the magnificent Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4th) Show links: Rep. Thomas Massie@RepThomasMassieCongressman Thomas MassieKy. lawmaker earns name for ‘no’The Off-Grid Home Thomas Massie Built In Kentucky


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The Return of Kaus!

Mickey and Ann discuss the issues of the day, mostly immigration and their choices for Trump's VP. Show links: Reality on the Democrat “border bill” hustle of 2024Immigrants Make America Stronger and RicherKrugman vs. Krugman


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THE Officer Tatum

This week Ann talks with Brandon Tatum, former Tuscon (AZ) police officer and now Salem Radio host. They talk white people, black people, racism, policing and how Christianity changes everything.


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Who Commits the Most Mass Shootings?

John Lott knows! Only one group commits fewer mass shootings than whites - and it's not Asians. Updated information on Mass Public Shootings from 1998 through October 2023Crime Prevention Research CenterMore Guns Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control LawsRuger is a Girl's Best Friend
