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Sermons from Edgewood Bible Church



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Hebrews 11:1-7 – The Power of Faith

2024_07_14 – Hebrews 11:1-7 – 'The Power of Faith' – Sermon by Trevor Ice – Main Idea: Faith in God is powerful and it pleases Him Outline: I. Hope in the unseen by faith (1) II. Trust and please God by faith (2-6) III. Receive His righteousness by faith (7) – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 8 – Idol Worship

2024_07_07 – 1 Corinthians 8 – 'Idol Worship' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: The Christian life is not about what we know, but how we love. Outline: 1. Loving God - v.1-6 2. Loving each other - v.7-13 – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 7:25-40 – Considering Marriage

2024_06_30 – 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 – 'Considering Marriage' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: Because time is short, Christians should pursue an undivided devotion to the Lord. Outline: Live as transient people - v.25-31 Live committed to the Lord - v.32-35 Live free and under control - v.36-40 – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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Acts 12 – God's Triumph in Trials

2024_06_23 – Acts 12 – 'God's Triumph in Trials' – Sermon by Zach K. – Main Idea: The world's destructive power against the church ultimately serves to advance God's saving power. Outline: The perplexing death of James The powerful rescue of Peter The punitive death of Herod – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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Psalm 98 – Worship our Worthy Savior

2024_06_16 – Psalm 98 – 'Worship our Worthy Savior' – Sermon by Trevor Ice – Main Idea: Our righteous savior king is worth our song! Outline: Sing a new song to our savior (v.1-3) Sing a joyful song to our king (v.4-6) Sing a hopeful song to our judge (7-9) – Discussion Questions: 1. What does it mean to "sing a new song" to the Lord according to Psalm 98? 2. In what ways can we remember the "marvelous things" God has done? 3. What is the difference between happiness and joy in the context of worship? 4. Why is the judgment of the Lord a cause for joyful praise according to the psalmist? 5. How does understanding God's justice and righteousness impact your view of the future? i.e. What does it mean to live by faith in the context of awaiting God's judgment? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 7:1-24 – Wisdom for Marriage

2024_06_09 – 1 Corinthians 7:1-24 – 'Wisdom for Marriage' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: Living the life that is assigned to us allows us to rest in God Outline: The assignment of marriage - v.1-5; 10-16 The assignment of singleness - v.6-9 The assignment of status - v.17-24 – Discussion Questions: 1. Is it true in our church that marriage is idolized and single people are marginalized? What could you do to address this imbalance? 2. If you are married, does your intimacy follow Paul's instructions in verses 3-5? How could you and your spouse serve each other better in this area? 3. Why does Paul address the assignment of singleness as a positive? 4. How does this passage alter what you might say to your single friends or unmarried children about their future? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 6:12-20 – Fleeing Sexual Immorality

2024_06_02 – 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 – 'Fleeing Sexual Immorality' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: Christians were bought with a price, so we should glorify God with our bodies. Outline: Our bodies are for the Lord, so they will be resurrected—v.12-14 Our bodies are united with Christ, so flee sexual immorality—v.15-18 Our bodies are a temple, so glorify God—v.19-20 – Discussion Questions: 1. What arguments have you heard people give for and against sex outside of marriage? 2. What do those arguments assume about what sex is for? 3. How would you explain the Christian view of sex to an unbelieving friend? 4. How do we glorify God in our bodies based upon this text? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Lawsuits That Destroy

2024_05_26 – 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – 'Lawsuits That Destroy' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: God has given his Spirit to the church to settle trivial disputes with one another instead of going to the world. Outline: We judge for the sake of outsiders We judge for the sake of ourselves We judge for the sake of the self-deceived – Discussion Questions: 1. Why should we judge ourselves for the sake of those outside of the church? 2. Why is it a defeat for the church when we go to court? 3. Why do we struggle to suffer wrong? 4. What can we apply from this text to our lives this week? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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Psalm 47 – Celebrate the King

2024_05_19 – Psalm 47 – 'Celebrate the King' – Sermon by Zach K. – Main Idea: Every person will either celebrate God as their king or be subdued by God as their conqueror. Outline: 1. Celebrate the King because He subdues and chooses 2. Celebrate the King because He reigns and gathers – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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Psalm 95 – Worship our Sovereign King

2024_05_12 – Psalm 95 – 'Worship our Sovereign King' – Sermon by Trevor Ice – Main Idea: Worship and trust in our great king to receive his rest. Outline: i. Who is worth worshiping? Our great savior king (v.1-7a) ii. Why must we worship Him? He is our lasting hope and final rest. (read v.7b-11) – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 5 – Church Discipline is Necessary

2024_05_05 – 1 Corinthians 5 – 'Church Discipline is Necessary' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: A congregation should discipline it’s own member for outward unrepented sin for their own good, our own purity, and our obedience to the Lord. Outline: Church discipline is for his own good Church discipline is for their own purity Church discipline is for our obedience – Discussion Questions: 1. Why is church discipline good for the one who continues in unrepentant sin? 2. Why do churches struggle to discipline sinning members? 3. What is the difference between formative and corrective discipline? 4. How does this passage encourage your prayers for EBC? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 4 – Leaders Who Are Ignored

Main Idea: Ministers of the gospel know they will suffer for the gospel so we should look to imitate them. Outline: Understanding the duty of leadership Reality check for the church Admonishment, Imitation, and Confrontation – Discussion Questions: 1. What does it mean to be "stewards of the mysteries of God"? 2. How should Christian leadership be different than most leadership in the broader world? 3. What does Paul desire the Corinthians to imitate from him? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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Colossians 2:11-15 – Believer's Baptism

2024_04_21 – Colossians 2:11-15 – 'Believer's Baptism' – Sermon by Trevor Ice – Main Idea: Through our union with Christ we have been set free from sin and now triumphantly reign with him. Outline: See that in Christ we are set apart (v.11) See that in Christ we are raised with him (12) See that in Christ we are triumphantly forgiven (13-15) – Discussion Questions: 1. What does it mean to be "in Christ" 2. How do we practically apply this reality? 3. Is baptism like circumcision? How is it the same, and how is it different? 4. Have you been baptized as a believer within a local church? If not, why? 5. How should the church respond when someone is baptized? Why? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 3 – United Foundation

2024_04_14 – 1 Corinthians 3 – 'United Foundation' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: We are to live united in Christ as God’s holy temple Outline: Don’t be a baby, think spiritually Don’t burn God's house down; build on Christ as our foundation Don’t forget, God owns you – Discussion Questions: 1. In what ways do people in church put human leaders on a pedestal? How are you most likely to do that? 2. As you think through this passage, what will you pray for, for this church family? 3. Whose work is burned up in verse 15? Why is it important to lean into this warning and think through it deeply? 4. How can you begin to build up God's house, His temple this week? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 2:6-16 – Wisdom of God

2024_04_07 – 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 – 'Wisdom of God' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: God’s wisdom is only revealed to God’s people through God’s Spirit Outline: Spiritually Mature and Spiritually not Spirit of God and Spirit of the world Natural person and Spiritual person – Discussion Questions: 1. Where does true “wisdom” come from? 2. How is being “spiritual” usually defined in our world? How do these verses reshape that definition? 3. How might our evangelism change after applying this passage to our lives? 4. How might our prayers be adjusted for unsaved family and friends, in light of this passage? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 – Foolish Hope

2024_03_31 – 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 – 'Foolish Hope' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: God shows his power and rejects worldly wisdom by bringing salvation through the message of the cross. Outline: The limitation of human wisdom The foolishness of social status The sufficiency of Christ crucified – Discussion Questions: 1. How might we as Christians slip into a preoccupation with worldly wisdom? 2. In what ways may we be tempted to change the message of the gospel so that it doesn’t appear foolish? 3. Why is boasting so common in our culture? How is a Christian to boast in this world? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 1:10-17 – A Divided Church

2024_03_24 – 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 – 'A Divided Church' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: A rightly ordered love will lead to a united church family Outline: 1. An unhealthy love for leaders leads to division 2. A healthy love for Christ leads to a united church – Discussion Questions: 1. To what extent is your faith bound up in a particular pastor? 2. If that man was not your pastor any longer, how would that affect your relationship with Jesus? 3. Do we downplay or accept quarreling in the church? If so, how? 4. In what ways do Christians attempt to justify their divisive and quarrelsome attitudes? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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Psalm 8 – Worship Our Mindful Creator

2024_03_17 – Psalm 8 – 'Worship Our Mindful Creator' – Sermon by Trevor Ice – Main Idea: The Lord’s created order reveals his Majesty, his Mercy and the Marvel of appointed grace. Outline: I. See His majesty as the creator of all (v.1-2) ii. See His merciful attention to His creature (v.3-4) iii. See the marvel of appointed grace (5-9) – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians 1:1-9 – A Gifted Church

2024_03_10 – 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 – 'A Gifted Church' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: In Christ, God has given Christians everything they need for life and godliness Outline: The Gift of Paul The Gift of Salvation The Gift of Grace The Gift of a Future – Discussion Questions: 1. Why do people struggle to thank God for what they have? 2. What was the best gift you have ever received? Why? 3. When we have struggles, how can verse 8 brings us encouragement? 4. Do you feel you have everything you need from God? Why or why not? 5. Why is verse 7 an encouraging reminder for our church family? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org


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1 Corinthians – A Wayward Church

2024_03_03 – 1 Corinthians – 'A Wayward Church' – Sermon by Jeff Coulter – Main Idea: As God’s church, we are to be united, loving, and holy in our life together. Outline: We are to be united as a church because God is one We are to be loving as a church because God is loving We are to be holy as a church because God is holy – Discussion Questions: 1. What is the point of the church? Why do you attend? 2. What do divisions in our church teach the world about God? 3. How can we actively promote unity in our church? 4. How can we grow in our love for one another? 5. How does tolerance of sin affect the church? How does it affect our witness? – EdgewoodBibleChurch.org
