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Calling the People to the Quran and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Sahaba.


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Calling the People to the Quran and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Sahaba.



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7 - Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles of Islaam | AbdulHakeem Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 7 of The SIx Fundamental Principles of Shaykhul Islam Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab by Ustadh AbdulHakeem Mitchell using the explanation of Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah al-Fawzann and Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaari. In this lesson ustadh covered "THE FIFTH PRINCIPLE – WHO ARE THE TRUE AWLIYAA OF ALLAAH ? " Allaah, the Sublime’s explanation of [who is from] the Awliyaa of Allaah, and His separating between them and between those who try to resemble them amongst the enemies of Allaah, the Munaafiqeen and the Fujjaar (hypocrites and sinners). And in this regard,the verse in Surah Aali Imraan is sufficient, and it His saying, “Say if you truly love Allaah, then follow me, Allaah will then love you” [Aali Imraan 3:31], and the verse in Surah al-Maa’idah, and it is His saying, “O you who believe, whoever amongst you turns his back on his deen, then soon will Allaah bring another people whom He loves and they will love Him” [Al-Maa’idah 5:54], to the end of the verse. And also, the verse in Yunus, and it is His saying, “Verily, the (pious) friends of Allaah, they do not fear, nor do they grieve, those who believed and used to have taqwaa” [Yunus 10:62]. But then the affair, to most of those who claimed knowledge and who claimed to be guided for the creation and protectors of the legislation, became such that it they considered it necessary for the Awliyaa to abandon following the Messengers, and that whoever followed them, was not from them. And that it was necessary to leave Jihaad and that the one who made Jihaad is not amongst them. And that it is necessary to leave off Imaan and Taqwaa, and that who ever adopted Imaan and Taqwaa is not amongst them [the Awliyaa]. O our Lord, we ask You for forgiveness and pardon, verily You are the Hearer of supplication. Tuesday at 8pm Brothers & Sisters all welcome VENUE: Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4RE Broadcast live on: Mixlr.com/learnaboutislam Follow us on Twitter: / salaficentre


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5 - Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles of Islaam | AbdulHakeem Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 5 of The SIx Fundamental Principles of Shaykhul Islam Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab by Ustadh AbdulHakeem Mitchell using the explanation of Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah al-Fawzann and Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaari. esson 5 of The SIx Fundamental Principles of Shaykhul Islam Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab by Ustadh AbdulHakeem Mitchell using the explanation of Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah al-Fawzann and Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaari. In this lesson ustadh covered "THE FOURTH PRINCIPLE– ‘ILM, ‘ULAMAA, FIQ AND FUQAHAA" An explanation of [what is] ‘Ilm and [who are] the ‘Ulamaa, and [what is] Fiqh, and [who are] the Fuqahaa (jurists). And an explanation of the one who tries to resemble them but is not from them. And Allaah has explained this foundation at the beginning of Surah al-Baqarah in His saying: “O Children of Israel. Remember my favour which I bestowed upon you, and fulfil my covenant and I will fulfil yours” [Surah al-Baqarah 2:40], up until His saying, “O Children of Israel. Remember my favour which I bestowed upon you and how I favoured you over all the worlds” [Surah al-Baqarah 2:47]. And what increases this in clarity is what has been explained by the Sunnah concerning this [with] abundant, clear and manifest speech [that is clear] for the common person. Then this affair became the strangest of things, and ‘Ilm and Fiqh were considered to be [religious] innovations and misguidance, and the best of what was with them was truth mixed with falsehood. And the actual ‘Ilm that Allaah, the Most High, obligated upon His creation and which He praised, then no one spoke of it, except [that he was considered] a heretic or insane person. And as for the one who rejected [this ‘Ilm] and authored in warning against it, and prohibiting it, then he was considered to be the Faqeeh and ‘Aalim Lesson will be on every Tuesday at 8pm Brothers & Sisters all welcome VENUE: Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4RE Broadcast live on: Mixlr.com/learnaboutislam Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalafiCentre Subscribe to our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/salaficentre SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE THE VIDEOS SO OTHERS MAY BENEFIT إن شاء الله بارك الله فيكم


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4 - Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles of Islaam | AbdulHakeem Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 4 of The SIx Fundamental Principles of Shaykhul Islam Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab by Ustadh AbdulHakeem Mitchell using the explanation of Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah al-Fawzann and Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaari. In this lesson ustadh covered "THE THIRD PRINCIPLE – HEARING AND OBEYING THOSE IN AUTHORITY" Verily, from the completion of unity is hearing and obeying the one who has taken authority over us, even if it be an Abyssinian slave. So Allaah explained this with a clear, broad (general) and sufficient explanation , by way of many aspects of numerous types of explanation, both legislatively [in the Sharee ’ ah] , and in terms of [divine] decree [in what He willed to occur in the creation] . Then this foundation became unknown to many of those who claim knowledge, so how then could it be acted upon? Lesson will be on every Tuesday at 8pm Brothers & Sisters all welcome VENUE: Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4RE Broadcast live on: Mixlr.com/learnaboutislam Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalafiCentre Subscribe to our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/salaficentre SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE THE VIDEOS SO OTHERS MAY BENEFIT إن شاء الله بارك الله فيكم


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28 - Sharh as-Sunnah of Barbahaaree - Abdulhakim Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 28 from the explanation of Sharh as Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree - taught by Ustaadh Abdulhakeem Mitchell


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27 - Sharh as-Sunnah of Barbahaaree - Abdulhakim Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 27 from the explanation of Sharh as Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree - taught by Ustaadh Abdulhakeem Mitchell


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3 - Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles of Islaam | AbdulHakeem Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 3 of The SIx Fundamental Principles of Shaykhul Islam Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab by Ustadh AbdulHakeem Mitchell using the explanation of Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah al-Fawzann and Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaari. In this lesson ustadh covered "The Second Principle – Unity in the Religion" Allaah has commanded unity (al-ijtimaa’) in the religion and has prohibited separation (at-tafarruq) therein. So Allaah has explained this, clearly and sufficiently, [in a manner] that the common people can understand. And He forbade us to be like those who split and differed [amongst themselves] before us and were destroyed [by this]. And He mentioned that He commanded the Muslims to be united in the religion, and forbade them from becoming separated therein. And this is increased in clarity by what has been reported in the Sunnah of amazing affairs pertaining to that. Then the matter became [overturned] such that [blameworthy] splitting in the foundations (usool) and subsidiary branches (furoo’) of the religion was turned into [the real] knowledge and understanding of the religion, and [such that] no one spoke of unity in the religion except [that he was considered] a zindeeq (heretic) or a majnoon (mad person). Lesson will be on every Tuesday at 8pm Brothers & Sisters all welcome VENUE: Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4RE Broadcast live on: Mixlr.com/learnaboutislam Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalafiCentre Subscribe to our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/salaficentre SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE THE VIDEOS SO OTHERS MAY BENEFIT إن شاء الله بارك الله فيكم


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2 - Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles of Islaam | AbdulHakeem Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson 2 of The SIx Fundamental Principles of Shaykhul Islam Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab by Ustadh AbdulHakeem Mitchell using the explanation of Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah al-Fawzann and Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaari. In this lesson ustadh covered the first Principle which is "Making the religion purely for Allaah alone' Making the religion sincerely and purely for Allaah alone, the Most High, without any partners and the explanation of its opposite which is Shirk (associating partners) with Allaah, and [the explanation] that the majority of the Qur’aan is in explanation of this foundation, from a variety of different angles, with such words that even the least intelligent from the common-folk can understand. Then, when there occurred to the Ummah what occurred [to it], Shaytaan presented to them [what they presumed to be] Ikhlaas by portraying a picture of belittlement of the Righteous people and absence of the fulfilment of their rights. And he made Shirk to appear amongst them in the form of love of the Righteous and their followers. Lesson will be on every Tuesday at 8pm Brothers & Sisters all welcome VENUE: Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4RE Broadcast live on: Mixlr.com/learnaboutislam Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalafiCentre Subscribe to our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/salaficentre SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE THE VIDEOS SO OTHERS MAY BENEFIT إن شاء الله بارك الله فيكم


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1 - Explanation of The Six Fundamental Principles of Islaam | AbdulHakeem Mitchell | Manchester

Lesson will be on every Tuesday at 8pm Brothers & Sisters all welcome VENUE: Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4RE Broadcast live on: Mixlr.com/learnaboutislam Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalafiCentre Subscribe to our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/salaficentre FOLLOW AND SHARE SO OTHERS MAY BENEFIT إن شاء الله بارك الله فيكم


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12 - 21 - Selected - Ahadith - On - A-muslim - S-belief - Methodology - And - Calling - To - Islam

12 - 21 - Selected - Ahadith - On - A-muslim - S-belief - Methodology - And - Calling - To - Islam by Learn About Islam


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11 - 21 - Selected - Ahadith - On - A-muslim - S-belief - Methodology - And - Calling - To - Islam

11 - 21 - Selected - Ahadith - On - A-muslim - S-belief - Methodology - And - Calling - To - Islam by Learn About Islam


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10 - 21 - Selected - Ahadith - On - A-muslim - S-belief - Methodology - And - Calling - To - Islam

10 - 21 - Selected - Ahadith - On - A-muslim - S-belief - Methodology - And - Calling - To - Islam by Learn About Islam


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9 - 21 Selected Ahadith on a Muslim’s Belief, Methodology and Calling to Islam

9 - 21 Selected Ahadith on a Muslim’s Belief, Methodology and Calling to Islam by Learn About Islam


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16 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

16 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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15 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

15 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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15 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

15 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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14 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

14 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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13 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

13 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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12 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

12 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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11 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

11 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam


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10 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester

10 - Ramadhaan Reminders 1445H2024 - Abdul Hakeem Mitchell Manchester by Learn About Islam
