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Love Light

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Love Light inspires you to cultivate a lifestyle of living in the spirit of love, based on the premise of wholehearted connections through worthiness. Disempowering fear-based conditioning compels masses of people to live in the shadow of fear compounded with thoughts and feelings of not being good enough, undeserving and unworthy. Our thoughts and feelings about love affect all area of our lives. We are worthy and an empowered self is a loving self. My personal mission of altruistic and heart-centered living is grounded in the power of love to become authentic, overcome unworthiness, and transform our lives. You will gain a new perspective on the meaning of love, engage in authentic expressions of love and strengthen and embody the practice of love for yourself and others in your daily life. Our guests are an integral part of our show, and share their expertise, gifts and resources, Fridays at 9 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment.


United States


Love Light inspires you to cultivate a lifestyle of living in the spirit of love, based on the premise of wholehearted connections through worthiness. Disempowering fear-based conditioning compels masses of people to live in the shadow of fear compounded with thoughts and feelings of not being good enough, undeserving and unworthy. Our thoughts and feelings about love affect all area of our lives. We are worthy and an empowered self is a loving self. My personal mission of altruistic and heart-centered living is grounded in the power of love to become authentic, overcome unworthiness, and transform our lives. You will gain a new perspective on the meaning of love, engage in authentic expressions of love and strengthen and embody the practice of love for yourself and others in your daily life. Our guests are an integral part of our show, and share their expertise, gifts and resources, Fridays at 9 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment.



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SELF EMPOWERING - Know Your Deepest Truth with Sameeta Nanjiani

It's time to stand for yourself, awaken to your deep knowing that you have the ability to empower yourself, to be playful, to be joyful, to share your truth, to show who you truly are. Time is running fast, and there is no point in waiting for the right time. This is the opportunity, this is the truth. You have all the abilities to be in full power. Sameeta Nanjiani, a Light Bearer, Conduit of Goddess Energy, Holistic Healer and Founder of Divine Spark Angel Foundation, will share her story about how she realized her truth and with complete faith in herself she chooses to walk on a new path. Sameeta says, Not only I created my own walkway, but I realized my own potential, with deep knowing -'WHO I TRULY AM, I accepted that there will be challenges but I also knew there will be guidance from my Angels and higher self. Sameeta will share simple tools and techniques for guidance in various ways including sound bath, affirmations for yourself, talking to your true self and a meditation to connect with your higher self and awaken your own power. Website:


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Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life with Selina Maitreya

Life is filled with a variety of moments that are happy and joyous - and yet some are difficult and downright painful. Yet with all the variety that life brings to us, we are often trained from birth to focus on the difficult moments and to respond to low frequency events, with more of the same. This conditional life pattern affects our entire life limiting our possibilities and negatively coloring our daily existence. Additionally, as we over focus on difficulty, bringing it into our energy field long after the event has occurred, using it as a landing pad to allow our emotional body to hijack our life stream, we miss the actual purpose and benefits of difficulty in our life. The Masters tell us that difficulty is meant to provide us an opportunity to engage the higher frequency of love that we are. We are told to respond to any chaos from patience, compassion, tolerance, grace and gratitude - and we are advised to direct that energy toward ourselves and others. When we do this we are told, we become in the moment, that frequency. We become love! As we learn how to transform daily difficulty into love and we repeat the process over and over, we continually access the energy of love that we are and in the third dimensional world we grow our consciousness. Imagine a world where every perceived hurt, every moment of inconvenience and irritation, becomes an opportunity to bring peace. That's what you will experience when you learn how to respond to daily irritations and major life tragedies from the frequencies of love. This revolutionary way of utilizing the most difficult moments in our live increases our consciousness as well for when we override the ego and access the heart energy, we willfully choose love, our consciousness expands, and we experience peace. In her new book -'Raise Your Frequency Transform Your Life' Selina Maitreya shares teachings from the masters and gives clear instructions as to how you can turn any difficulty in your life into an opportunity to increase your consciousness and bring more peace into your life. This book offers spiritual/practical exercises that you can use to transform any tragedy, or daily irritation, or stress into tools for conscious transformation and ease.


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Are you tired of the endless pursuit of work-life balance, only to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled? Join us on a journey to discover a new approach to living in harmony. In this empowering conversation, we'll explore how to cultivate balance not just between work and life, but in every aspect of your being. From nurturing your relationships to prioritizing self-care, and from pursuing your passions to finding purpose in everyday moments. Together, we'll change the notion that success is solely defined by career achievements, and instead, embrace the richness of a balanced life that honors your well-being, values, and dreams. Let's shift the conversation from striving for perfection to embracing imperfection with grace, knowing that true fulfillment comes from aligning with your authentic self.


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Encore The Power of Surrender

As we move into the last quarter of 2020 life for many people is getting tougher, not better. Everyone on the planet is experiencing change, uncertainty and challenge. Don't miss this powerful session with spiritual wayshower and sound healer Judy Satori as she discusses the 'Power of Surrender' with show host Dr. Jean Marie Farish. Surrender is not about giving up. Surrender is the letting go of fear and anxiety and building inner resources of trust, flexibility and core strength. During the program Judy will transmit sound frequencies that will help you to come into your centre, to feel stronger and more capable that you can create a new way of living life going forward and be happy. She will also give everyone who joins us a GIFT that will lift you up every time you feel anxious and afraid. All you need do is LISTEN,


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From Trials to Tribulation with Tanisha Bankston

We all experience trials and challenges. Guest, Tanisha Bankston, a young woman who went through storms and hail came out on the other side to tell about it. Author of MY PAIN IS MY POWER and Founder of 'I Believe You, LLC', Tanisha is the mother of 3 and survivor of rape, molestation, incest and childhood abuse. Raped at the age of 5 and not believed, she instantly lost her inner voice and went into a shell that took 27 years to come out. Living in silence 27 years, she found her voice at 32. Suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, nightmares and flashbacks, after being healed, God spoke to her in a dream and said now go tell the world what I did for you. Tanisha will share her story and how she helps others through her private support group I Believe You' on Facebook for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. She empowers people to choose Faith over Fear. She wants people to know that they too can get through what they've gone through or what they're going through and there is HOPE. Join us for this intriguing and inspirational episode.


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Building Emotional Well-Being and Resilience in Children

Children face challenges daily at home, in the community and within the educational system. Being an advocate to help children thrive is a passion for Sheena Smith, Certified Mental Wellness Coach, Dream Builder Coach and Author of 'All Kids Can Thrive'. Sheena has traveled and studied extensively seeking inclusive ways to help children with restricted physical mobility and intellectual disabilities to learn and thrive. This episode will help parents, caregivers and educators learn strategies to support children and enhance their emotional, physical and mental well-being. The following topics will be addressed: Emotional Self-Regulation to equip children with practical tools to manage emotions effectively to foster emotional intelligence; Emotional Resilience to help children navigate emotions; Recognizing Anxiety and ways to offer support; Mental Wellness Post-Pandemic with a focus on unique challenges with emphasis on the importance of community connections; and Nutritional Support highlighting the link between healthy diet and mental health. Tune in to this empowering episode to help children thrive!


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Embracing the Obstacles with Sandra Cavanaugh

Stop for a second and imagine your life without any of the challenges. Sandra Cavanaugh will share with us the magical truth that challenges are inspiration in disguise. She will help us learn how to welcome the challenges, and use them to inspire, create, and live life to the fullest. As Sandra says ... In acting as in life: Obstacles are what make it all worth doing. Sandra is a Creativity and Communication specialist, Transformational Coach, Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Educator, an Internationally Bestselling Author and host of THE SPONTANEOUS BRILLANCE PODCAST/ Sandra is also an award winning, 35-year veteran of the entertainment industry as a Writer, Director, Actress, Producer, and Teacher of acting and improvisation. She uses the techniques that she has developed throughout her career to help people of all ages and abilities find the clarity, courage, creativity they need to turn obstacles into opportunities, take inspired action, and unleash the power of their unique creative genuius.


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Deepen Your Connection to Animals and Nature with Bhavana Chawla

Nature and animals are in constant communion with each other and us. Whether you live in an urban environment, small town or remote area, you'll find yourself surrounded with creatures and scenery. Join in this lively conversation with Bhavana Chawla, Intuitive Healer, who will help us explore and deepen our connection with our pets, trees and wildlife. Bhavana will share her experiences living on Kauai Island, Hawaii with many beings such as dolphins, wild chickens, tree spirits. Experiencing the magic of nature enlivens us. Animals are compassionate beings providing wisdom and support to humans. A newfound understanding of them fosters oneness, peace and love for the benefit of the whole planet. She will share techniques that you can use to communicate with animals and nature. Bhavana will take live calls from listeners: USA Callers Dial 1(888)3469141/International Callers Dial 001(480)5535754.


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Own Your Power with Dede Lyons

Are you owning your or are you giving it away? Being a powerful person and feeling it is safe to immerse yourself in the true you is a very prevalent theme in Dede Lyon's empowerment coaching. This authentic expression is always connected to our feelings of self-acceptance and self-worth. Dede will show you how to express your honest and authentic selves lovingly with confidence and grace. Her 'Seven Feel Good Express Tips for Owning Your Power, coupled with her mantra: Believe it Before You See It will guide you to feel empowered, grounded, freer, and happier.


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Purge, Purify & Cleanse: Awaken to Spring!

What better way to purge and purify than by releasing what no longer serves you? Julie shares action steps that you can immediately use to cleanse your life and increase your vibrancy. Join award-winning life organizer, professional declutterer, author, and certified life coach, Julie Coraccio as she'll share tips to support you in awakening to spring and cleansing your life. When you clear your clutter in your space and your life, you can create a passionate, enthusiastic life and Reawaken Your Brilliance.


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Turning Our Immune System Around with Lynda Dyer

They told her she had an Auto Immune Disease called lupus. They said she was dying. With apologies, the miracles of modern medicine had nothing more to offer her. That's when Lynda Dyer made a decision that literally turned her life around. She chose to live. She chose to take control of her life and learn how to heal herself. It took time. It took determination - and it took grit. But she has never been one to shy away from adversity ... and this was a life or death fight that she was determined to win. This show and her book, 'Healing Your Immune System Naturally' tells her story - the raw, true story of how one woman found wellness despite being told she never would. She shares with you the exact steps she took to restore her health and reveals the many hurdles she had to pass in the process. This is Lynda's seventh book. Her words inspire people to take control of their own lives and thrive in the sharing of their gifts with the world. She even includes many pages of delicious recipes for healing your immune system. In listening to this show and reading of her journey, you might recognize some similarities to challenges you're currently facing. Let her teachings show you how you can move forward. She is more than willing to share.


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Encore Marked for Life Finding Grace and Grit Where You Least Expect It

Rebecca and Paul share their intensely powerful and personal stories, including ones about near-death experiences and resulting emotional trauma - they share insights into human strength, hope, and the ability to prevail over life's challenges. While by no means a self-help book, in their international bestseller, 'Marked for Life Finding Grace and Grit Where You Least Expect It', the pages are packed with compelling, entertaining, and relatable anecdotes that will inspire action and growth. Brimming with theological and spiritual insights, but also steeped with neuro-literary, 'Marked for Life' will resonate with anyone who bears the scars of hardship and tragedy. They will share how to navigate anxiety, heartbreak, or grief and how to change your trajectory for the better.


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Encore How To Get Things Done By Meditating with David Gandelman

If you'd like to get more done by being still, come sit and listen to author and spiritual teacher David Gandelman share his insights on how to accomplish that by meditating. If you feel like your energy gets drained by overthinking and excessive worry, David will teach you tools to harness your energy, make better decisions, and be present and calm in the face of anxiety and confusion.


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Encore How To Get Things Done By Meditating with David Gandelman

If you'd like to get more done by being still, come sit and listen to author and spiritual teacher David Gandelman share his insights on how to accomplish that by meditating. If you feel like your energy gets drained by overthinking and excessive worry, David will teach you tools to harness your energy, make better decisions, and be present and calm in the face of anxiety and confusion.


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Secrets To a Financially Stress-Free Life with Amanda Neely

Financial Stress can be tough. The Stress in America Survey 2022 conducted in February 2022 found that 87% of Americans are stressed due to rising inflation in the country, up from 59% in August 2021. 65% of Americans confessed that they were stressed about money. This is the highest figure recorded in more than six years! Financial Rollercoaster? Join Amanda Neely CFP for more on unlocking the Secrets to a Financially Stress-Free Life. Along the way, we'll uncover tidbits of knowledge for you to incorporate into your daily life. These topics include: Savings versus Investing, Crafting Financial Stability, and Lifesaving Liquidity that Really Grows. Ready to sleep well at night? Join the conversation.


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Healing Your Immune System for Wellness with Lynda Dyer

They told her she had an Auto Immune Disease called Lupus. They said she was dying. With their apologies, the miracles of modern medicine had nothing more to offer her. That's when Lynda Dyer made a decision that literally turned her life around. She chose to live. She chose to take control of her life and learn how to heal herself. It took time. It took determination - and it took grit. But she has never been one to shy away from adversity ... and this was a life or death fight that she was determined to win. This show and her book, 'Healing Your Immune System Naturally', tells her story - the raw, true story of how one woman found wellness despite being told she never would. She shares with you the exact steps she took to restore her health and reveals the many hurdles she had to pass in the process. This is Lynda's seventh book. Her words inspire people to take control of their own lives and thrive in the sharing of their gifts with the world. She even includes many pages of delicious recipes for healing your immune system. In listening to this show and reading of her journey, you might recognize some similarities to challenges you're currently facing. Let her teachings show you how you can move forward. She is more than willing to share.


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Encore LOVE, LIFE and LOSS

A conversation about Love as the supreme creator of all good things in life and how to deal with loss and sadness when love and life as we have known it is taken away. Judy Satori speaks with Dr. Jean Marie Farish about her experiences with Mary Magdalene in the hillside of La Sainte Baume in Provence and what Mary shared about love and loss. Judy will explain from her experiences how to generate the power of CREATIVE LOVE in ourselves and move on from experiences of loss and grief to live with abundance, physical wellbeing, happiness and joy. This session will include many energy transmissions from Source Creation designed to help you let go of past pain and open your heart into first ACCEPTANCE, then LOVE and JOY; knowing from the deepest levels of your being that your future is BRIGHT and holds renewed meaning, purpose and peace. Judy Satori


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Encore LOVE, LIFE and LOSS

A conversation about Love as the supreme creator of all good things in life and how to deal with loss and sadness when love and life as we have known it is taken away. Judy Satori speaks with Dr. Jean Marie Farish about her experiences with Mary Magdalene in the hillside of La Sainte Baume in Provence and what Mary shared about love and loss. Judy will explain from her experiences how to generate the power of CREATIVE LOVE in ourselves and move on from experiences of loss and grief to live with abundance, physical wellbeing, happiness and joy. This session will include many energy transmissions from Source Creation designed to help you let go of past pain and open your heart into first ACCEPTANCE, then LOVE and JOY; knowing from the deepest levels of your being that your future is BRIGHT and holds renewed meaning, purpose and peace. Judy Satori


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Being of Sacred Service with Shelly Wilson

Each one of us is blessed with skills and knowledge we have attained through life experiences. Using these talents to serve others will benefit all. Through acts of sacred service, may we each be an instrument of peace, joy and unconditional love. Shelly Wilson, Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Conscious Creator, will offer her perception of heart-centered consciousness and what it means to live from the heart as well as what she refers to as being of service. She will guide listeners in a meditation to connect more intentionally with our heart and offer ways to create a conscious ripple.


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Empowering Yourself to Navigate Job Loss

Separation from a company, for any reason, can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety and fear. It impacts self-esteem, confidence, and self worth which makes it almost impossible to muster the influence and impact you need in the interview process. Being proactive about company separation is the best way to keep your confidence intact in case it does happen, and there are many things employees can do in advance. However, if the unthinkable does occur and you find yourself jobless you need to have a solid strategy to get yourself on track immediately. Learn the strategies that Monique uses with her clients who are employed and those who have separated, to boost their confidence and get them prepared for a career transition. We'll discuss how to keep your resume up to date, tips to leverage LinkedIn for networking, best ways for an introvert to network, the importance of practicing interview skills, and how to exude confidence during an interview. Most importantly, you'll learn how to care for yourself and stay grounded during a transition.
