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Hebrew Nation Online - His Kingdom • His People



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Drive Time Friday

This week, David Justice and Mark Call not only talk about another week of the most important events and incredible lies in American History, but also offer a “how-to” perspective: How-To fight the BS we are being fed from every angle.


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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

We have now reached the point at which the world has been divided into two kinds of people: those with “eyes to see,” and those who have chosen not to. Has AmeriKa finally become too stupid even to be saved?


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In a Brilliant Speech, Netanyahu Addresses Congress – July 24, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu delivered a one-hour address to a Joint Session of Congress on July 24, 2024, drawing no fewer than 55 standing ovations, the most of any such speaker in Congressional history. It was the Israeli leader’s fourth address to Congress. That’s more than any other foreign leader in history, more […]


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 24 July, 2024.


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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 153- What Do You Want? (Part 25)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 23 July, 2024.


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 22 July, 2024. And even though you won’t (yet, and probably not for quite some time) hear it from the Waste-Stream Media… …the Official Narrative is Dead – stick a fork in it. The Deep State ordered a hit on the man they first tried to wiretap, then discredit, then […]


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Is America careening into judgment? What is scheduled for Sept. 10-11? What is scheduled for Oct. 2-4? Does Matthew 23 help us understand our world today? Our world in the near future? Please join me for a look at how the last days will replay the issues of the days when Yeshua walked the earth […]


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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 55

He thought he had finished the teaching on The Covenant in the last episode, however, Rabbi Berkson felt there were still some things that needed to be talked about. He points out that at first glance what is going on in chapters 9 and 10 really don’t affect our walk, but after a prompt from […]


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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 119 (The Filling Station)

The Filling Station When I was around four years old, my aunt borrowed my dad’s work truck, probably to carry a load of tomatoes to market. If you’ve never had a freshly-picked southwest Arkansas-grown Bradley tomato, you don’t know what you’re missing. My Aunt Frances took me along, and she pulled into a filling station to get gas. For those of you too young to know what a filling station is, it’s a lot like a gas station, but there’s someone there to pump the gas, often dressed in a uniform. He checked the tire pressure and cleaned the windshield while the gas pumped. Eventually, they called that “Full service.” Back then, it was the only kind of service. The attendant asked my Aunt Frances what kind of gas she wanted. My aunt wasn’t sure what Dad used, so she asked me, “Hollisa, what kind of gas does your daddy put in this truck?” Happy to have the right answer to a very adult question, I replied, “He gets Fillerupregular.” Nowadays, I suppose it’s even more important to select the right kind of fuel for different kinds of engines. In the Kingdom of Heaven, often disputes arise about grace vs works because we are pouring the wrong kind of fuel. The fuel is wrong because the question is wrong. The question is wrong because of a misunderstanding of the fundamentals of salvation, grace, obedience, and holiness. Like my four-year-old understanding of gasoline, often we simply parrot what we’ve heard someone say, someone older or wiser than we. We memorize the answer before we understand the words. There is a reason two cheruvim guard the entrance to the Garden. Death cannot dwell there. Sin falls under the legal purview of death. Rebellion and transgression sins transfer a person under the custody of death. To allow a sinner to enter the holier spaces of the Presence is to consign them to the custody of death. It’s like trying to drop a quarter into the slot only big enough for a dime. The way to the most powerful dwelling of the Divine Presence grows narrower as we walk with Adonai. Salvation begins the walk, but sanctification is a lifelong process of letting the Ruach HaKodesh shape us and strip away impairments that might delay our ability to stand and serve in holier places of the Presence. Adonai does not want us foolishly scampering into a holier place than that for which our obedience has prepared us. Just as there is glory to glory, life to life, growth to growth, so there are different kinds of “death.” Death is a matter of separation. The Mishkan drew levels of holiness in the Camp of Israel. The pattern of the kohanim illustrates how a nation of priests should approach the holy spaces of ministry in holy garments so that they are not cut off... You shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. You shall speak to all the skillful persons whom I have endowed with the spirit of wisdom, that they make Aaron’s garments to consecrate him, that he may minister as priest to Me. These are the garments which they shall make:..(Ex 28:2-4) ... “They shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they enter the tent of meeting, or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place, so that they do not incur guilt and die.” (v. 43) Even the Kohen HaGadol could die from his service! It doesn't mean he wasn't saved from the second death, but that he couldn't fit into that holy space in disobedience. Rashi comments to the passage above: “When they enter the Tent of Meeting...and die.” See that you have learned from this verse that a Kohen who performs the service lacking any of the Kohen’s garments in subject to death.” This is a death “at the hands of Heaven,” not execution by the courts. It may or may not have an immediate visible effect to the natural eye. Rashi to Ex 28:41 “With them you shall dress Aaron your brother and his sons with him; you shall anoint them [with anointing oil], and you shall fill their hand, and you shall sanctify them, and they shall be Kohanim...” “Any filling of the hands...


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Mark Call – Parsha “Balak” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Most people probably remember this story based on the name of the character who talked to YHVH more than the King for whom the parsha [“Balak” (Numbers 22:2-25:9)] is named. More memorable, still, is “Balaam’s Talking Ass” – who isn’t actually named in story at all – but has registered as one of the most […]


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Calendar Authority… Who’s in Charge? Pt2

Solar? Lunar? or Both? In today’s message we are going to briefly revisit the calendar issue, only this time we will include a look at the so-called ‘covenant calendar’ as well as the competing so-called Zadokite calendar. Even more than the calendars themselves we are going to look at where authority over the biblical calendar should currently be placed according to scripture and where it should not be placed according to scripture. For this we are going to look at part of our Torah portion from this past week in Numbers 16, as well as the small tribe of Benjamin whose inheritance in the land of Israel was positioned BETWEEN Ephraim & Judah.


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Calming Harp Episode #182

A friend of mine had a dream recently that showed a huge black wave coming in while swimming at the beach. The word that was spoken to her was, “Come up to higher ground.” She then received the words of Psalm 24 that asks, “Who will ascend to the hill of the Lord?” I encourage […]


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Calming Harp Episode #181

Not all Psalms are in the book of Psalms. One of the most famous Psalms was written by Moses in Exodus 15, called The Song of Moses. Israel had just been led through the Red Sea with Pharoh’s army behind them destroyed, and Moses sang this Psalm. “The Horse and its reader He has cast […]


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Micah Kissling of My House Ministries on the Tzadokite/Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar

Today, I’m speaking with Micah Kissling, who is part of MY HOUSE MINISTRIES. Micah, his wife, and his children live the farm life in the Midwest of America. He comes from a family of 9 siblings – six brothers and three sisters. Micah grew up in a home with daily Bible teachings and lessons. But […]


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and some observations about the major Deep State Macinations, ‘ for the week ending Saturday, 20 July, 2024. From the DEI Poster Girl to slopey roofs to patsies galore – the stench of Big Lies Gone Bad here almost exceeds that of a senile fake president who’s adult pampers didn’t get changed. There […]


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Drive Time Friday

Hebrew Nation Radio is finally back on-line, and there’s quite a bit of news to wrap up… as well as even more smoke than we’ve almost gotten used to.


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 18 July, 2024 – now that Hebrew Nation Radio is finally back on-line again!


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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Host Mark Call welcomes back special guest, author, and former well-known HNR personality Daniel Holdings to talk about “Why there is no power in ‘the Church,” and what that means in a time where ever-bigger lies are being revealed – just as we have been promised.


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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 152- What Do You Want? (Part 24)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
