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Chapter Vibes

Storytelling Podcasts

This is the official Illinois DeMolay Podcast, taking Active and influential members in the organization and having a chill conversation on how their experiences have been in DeMolay.


United States


This is the official Illinois DeMolay Podcast, taking Active and influential members in the organization and having a chill conversation on how their experiences have been in DeMolay.





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Through the Ages

Brother Alex V. had the opportunity to sit down and hear some incredible stories from Ray Degroot and Jim Ohler, Senior DeMolays who had some tales from the past years of DeMolay, and the differences between.


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Appointing a Conversation

In this episode, the Appointed State Officers came together and had a casual conversation about their thoughts and funny stories over the past months, and upcoming ones.


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Mind Over Manners

In this episode, we interviewed the newly installed Master Councilor of A.D. Manners Chapter, Josh Lauf, and got his thoughts and feelings on his first term as an MC, as well as the upcoming Ritual Competition in March.


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A Midterm Recap

We sat down with our SMC, Jay Sanders, and got his thoughts and a general overview of the current DeMolay year, and what is yet to come.


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A Fellow Templar

On this episode, we talked to the outgoing Master Councilor of Templar Chapter, as well as the ingoing MC. On top of that, they both became Fellowcraft Masons the previous day together, and got their thoughts and feelings from both experiences.


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A Trip To Missouri

We visited the Missouri Lock-In event and got to sit down and chat with the leaders of Missouri DeMolay. Their SMC and DSMC had some great things to talk about, and we got their input on our inner workings in Illinois.


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Kicking Off The Year

With our newly re-vamped podcast style, we are interviewing our State Master Councilor, Jay Sanders, and getting his thoughts and feelings on his term and his life.


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A Basic Training

In this Episode, we talked with a couple of the guys at Basic Training to get their input about the event, as well as to just hang out and get the fun side of what it means to be able to just chat with any DeMolay.


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Masonic Family (Pt. 2)

Part 2 to an incredible episode with some masonic appendant and supportive bodies, including this part focusing on the Missouri Deputy Grand Master.


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Masonic Family (Pt. 1)

We interviewed The Grand Worthy Matron and Patron of Illinois Eastern Star, The Most Worshipful Master of Prince Hall Masonry in Illinois, and The Deputy Grand Worshipful Master of Missouri in this enthralling episode. They gave such incredible interviews, that we decided to split this episode into 2 parts.


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A Long Time Coming

In this episode, we interviewed Dad Carnell, a Past District Master Councilor of Illinois DeMolay, getting his scope of how the organization has changed within the state of Illinois, as well as some memorabilia he has collected over time.


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The Yearly Recap

This special episode was our final episode of this season. We interviewed our Deputy and State Master Councilor for the last time. We asked them about their experiences with DeMolay, and how it has affected them.


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In Troubled Times

We interviewed Past State Master Councilor Thomas Flock, which was the first to experience Illinois DeMolay, and who also had the creative Disney Theme for His year.


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The Head of the Table

This Episode, we interviewed Dad David Capes, our State Chapter Advisor. He gave some great insights on what he's learned in his time in the organization, as well as some fun facts about his Son's term as State Master Councilor.


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The Good Old Days

We had a call with former State Master Councilor of Illinois, Michael Kuniej. He is also involved with many other masonic bodies, and we wanted to get his thoughts on the year in DeMolay.


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The Hoosiers Of DeMolay

We Interviewed State Master Councilor Bryce Tekulve of Indiana DeMolay, and got his thoughts on the Organization, as well as future plans with it and Illinois DeMolay.


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State Support

We are interviewing Dad Russ Scanlan and Dad Gary Hecht about their experiences and thoughts on Illinois DeMolay


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Day Of Comfort

We interviewed Mr. Ali in honor of our Day of Comfort, due to him being a health care worker. He talked about his experiences with life and death.


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Illinoise: Masonic Ties

This episode, we meet with a few distinguished members of the Grand Lodge Team for Illinois. They have many experiences with Masonry, but DeMolay as well. This episode was recorded at Illinois Grand Lodge with Past Grand Master Greg Clark and Assistant Grand Chancellor Luciano Azevedo. Greg Clark is not only an advisor for Illinois DeMolay, but he is also a Senior DeMolay, and a Legion of Honor recipient. Luciano also has connections with DeMolay, as he is an honorary DeMolay.


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Illinoise: Meeting The IMC

This is the first episode of the Illinois DeMolay Podcast, in which we will be talking to Cade Lowrance, the International Master Councilor.
